
Friday, December 31, 2010

Favourite Five of 2010

Ok whose stupid idea was it to choose five, since I blog a card a day and that means over 300 cards. Yes some I looked at and dismissed instantly but some were really hard.
I managed to get it down to the final sixteen then down to 10, but now I'm well and truly stuck.
That's it I'm down to six and thats final I can't possibly choose further.
Good Luck everyone to choose just five but since its my challenge I forgive anyone who can't make the final cut to 5.

I confess this type of Penny Black stamp I'm not keen on but I was given it by someone dear and I thought it would be rude not to use her. She turned out brilliantly and I love the finish result and as you can see she became a favourite.
I love LOTV and I had so many to choose a from but I think I love this chap especially for those difficult mens cards.
There couldn't be a favourite five with some PB mice.

I love how these cut stamps work so well together and I love those Oliver papers.

I made several Wedding cards for DD friends, my particular favourite is this old Penny Black stamp which took a lot of patience to colour and layer.

I love this cute Kiki fairy baby from Mo Manning and I had to make her my sneaky six.

I would love you to join me in my Favorite Five of 2010 and of course I have a little candy which includes two Penny Black Slapstick stamps, you can see which ones by these posts here and here.  I will use the random thing on the morning of Friday the 7th January.


  1. You are so amazingly talented!!!!! Such an insiration thank you xox

    It is 1:30 am here in Québec, Canada, I will be back after a good nights sleep to narrow mine down to 6 euhhhhh 5 hihi!

    Good night xox

  2. awww.. i love every single card...but i do love the mice the most :)

    will join you shortly :)

  3. I think you are very brave, being able to end up with just 6 fav cards......I could'nt have pick 6 because I love all your cards....
    Happy and Blessed New Year to you and your loved ones Debby!!
    Marja Rolfes-Lemson

  4. Well, I am so glad I popped by here today, I needed some inspiration for the DT card I'm doing for next Monday. Your fave five cards are awesome... can't pick a fave and anyway all your cards I've seen so far are. Hugs and Happy New Year xx

  5. Thanks for sharing your cards, they are all amazing,

  6. seen as all your cards are wow no wonder it was hard to choose.
    happy new year Debby. janex

  7. Hi Debby, this is such a fun thing to do, I am going to enjoy looking at everyone's fav 5. Yours are wonderful, my fav is the second one with the LOTV boy. I remember I first saw that and it was very inspiring for me, I bought the stamp! Will be back later with my own. Happy New Year! Pami x

  8. fantastic top 5 debby,i love the dimension of your images.
    it was really hard to choose just 5 but i managed it :D

    xx coops xx

  9. so lovely to see a review of your cards!! Thank you for all the inspiration you always give. I cant wait to see whay you create next year.......and thank you for letting us slip in a few more than 5!!! Hugs Juls

  10. Stunnnig cards Debby ... I love them all, especially those meeces :)
    Cathy xx

  11. Hi Debby, I daren't enter this one too because I already won the Christmas one LOL!! Fortunately I've only started blogging in September 2010 so I have a few less cards than you!! After New Yer's eve I'll give it a go OK? Happy New year hun, until next year, hugs Frea

  12. Oh, by the way, did you get my email?? Since I got one email back I'm in doubt whether you received it. Hugs, Frea

  13. Hi Debby. Your cards are always gorgeous, so to choose five must have been extremely difficult. What great choices you made. I think the LOTV has to be my favourite. Sorry I didn't get to join in with your challenge on Christmas Eve but will try and join in with this challenge. Happy New Year to you and your family and Best Wishes for 2011. Donna

  14. GREAT that even you had it difficult to choose just five.
    I will join the fab five later on to day.
    Hugs Sinikka

  15. Hi Debby, I love all your cards but my favourite of these that you have posted is the 2nd one so much detail and I love the colours and style.... off to think which cards to up load! hmmmmm happy new year hunny xxx Samantha :0)

  16. Gorgeous Debby this is soooo hard to

  17. A lovely selection showcasing your talent Debby. The first one's probably my favourite. Look forward to seeing more in 2011. Happy New Year.

  18. Hi Debby

    GORGEOUS selection of cards I love the mo manning one right on the end shes so cute, the detail you get into your cards is amazing! I have linked up :O)

    Happy New Year to you

    Joey xx

  19. Absolutely gorgeous six cards Debby - I look forward to much inspiration from you in the next year. Now off to take a peek at everyone else's fave five.

    Karen x

  20. Wow - i just don't know how you did it !!, I'm glad you've picked some PB's and the High Hopes one still makes me giggle, Luv Sam x

  21. Hi Debby, lovely to see your fave cards. They are all gorgeous but my favourite one is the cute little wedding couple. Thanks for doing this, it's a great idea. Also thanks for the fab inspiration. Happy New Year.

    Donna x

  22. I have no idea how you would choose 5 (6) because all your cards are fabulous! Really love the LotV boy and your PB mice cards!

  23. Wow Debby you picked some stunners and I can understand how difficult it was with all the beautiful cards you produce. Thanks for all your inspiration, Happy New Year. Off to pick my faves now!

    Love Lynda xxx

  24. ohhh Debby, your cards are all amazing, how you choose 5, I don't know :)
    Have a magical New Year!

  25. Hi Debby - Had to join in this - think it's a great idea. Loved looking at everyone's xmas top five. Hope to have time to visit the blogs this time too.
    Happy New Year to you - love your choice - I have that PB wedding stamp - love what you have created with it.
    Ann xxx

  26. omg how on earth are we to choose five lol
    Thanks for a fun little post Debby.
    Anne x

  27. Debby I do love those mice they are so sweet, and Im so glad ours in the loft seem to have left. Happy New Year, with love and hugs Shirleyxx

  28. Gorgeous choices Debby. I found it very difficult to pick my 5 and I probably only do one or two per week. I would have found it impossible if I had as many as you. Wishing you a very Happy New Year. Debs xx

  29. I really love your boy under the tree. My top #1 of yours I think!! LOve it.

  30. Hi Debby, I can only go back as far as August as my computer broke down then, so hope you dont mind. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  31. Or the mice string......I really like that one too......

  32. All your cards are adorable but I especially like the little mice - so cute.

  33. Hi Debby
    Have really enjoyed this Challenge ...your Fab Five are Fab ...
    Happy New Year to you

  34. Beautiful cards Debby, you rebel breaking your own rules lol.
    Happy New Year to you all hun
    hugs Mandy xx

  35. Thanks for another thought provoking exercise.
    Paula (PEP)
    LOTV & PB are on the hit list for 2011!

  36. Het zijn stuk voor stuk prachtige kaarten.
    Fijne jaarwisseling en een goed 2011

  37. Hi Debby, Gorgeous cards! I found it difficult to choose 5 and I don't make as many cards as you throughout the year so it must have taken you ages to narrow it down to 5. I love the ones you have chosen :-)

    Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year!

    Lisa x

  38. I could never pick just five of your beautiful cards Debby. Come to think of it, I couldn't pick just five of my own either, lol!! Have a great New Year and I look forward to more wonderful crafty creations in 2011.


  39. Fabulous selection of cards Debby...I love those PB mice!
    Happy New Year!
    Helen x

  40. Such wonderful, fabulous creations!
    Hope you have a wonderful new year!

  41. ahhh your top five are absolutely adorable!!!, borrowed your top 5 badge and added my top 5 on my blog too

  42. Fabulous 5 Debby,I don't know how you managed to choose out of all your wonderful cards! Thanks for the chance to win some great candy!
    Helen x

  43. hi Debby. I can see why you had trouble culling your list.. I too had to throw in a sixth card!! Love all your layering, such a pretty final result - will have to give it a go! Have a great NYE or new years day, depending on what time it is! Take care ♥

  44. I'm new to blogging, only been at it a few months, enjoying all my firsts. This was my first 'end of year round up' kind of challenge and I really enjoyed it. I've also enjoyed looking at your card choices, they are so stunning. Going to have a little browse around and see some more. Hugs lin

  45. Hi Debby - Happy New Year. It must have been so difficult choosing those favourites, but I can see why they are favourites - all gorgeous!
    Love, Andrea xx

  46. I love all of them! They each have something special, and they are just too cute! I just love blogging and learning and seeing all the wonderful talent. Hope you have a warm safe and happy holiday, no matter where you are :o) Looking forward to 2011, blogs, and all the projects, supplies, and well just everything stamping has to offer. I'm so addicted :o)

  47. Hi! Debby, I think the cards you have chosen are absolutely gorgeous. First I loved the mice[still do]then I scrolled and again.....awwww.and on it went. They are all wonderful.
    Luv CHRISSYxx

  48. A beautiful selection, Debby! Please collect an award from my blog! Happy New Year! Warmest wishes, Lesley

  49. This is a nice idea. I am enjoying browsing the blogs..

    Happy New Year


  50. Debby all your creations are my favorite and I bet it was next to impossible to pick out 6 wow!!! Your style is so unique and truly gorgeous! I love stopping by to see what you have come up with!!!
    Best wishes for 2011! Happy New Year!

  51. Loved both Fav 5 challenges Debby!!! Thank you so much!!! xox


  52. Wow Debby,love them all.
    Hugs Heidy

  53. What a lovely card you made. It's always great tovisit your blog toe see what you made this time.
    Such a lovely candy. I love it.

    XX Mieke

  54. Great cards and thanks for the challenge. Have a great 2011.

  55. Happy New Year Debby! looking forward to seeing more of your fabulous creations in 2011.
    love and hugs,
    annie x

  56. Hi Debby Happy New Year stunning creations ALWAYS think we should have top 10 or 100.. nxt time.LOL thanks for the chall.

    smiles Christine xx

  57. hi, Debbie. Surely it was hard to choose among your plenty of beauties,the ones you chose are supergorgeous! Thank you for sharing! Miria

  58. Hiya Debby,

    I love your top 6 hon - wow you're such a super talented lady, I'm in complete awe! Thank you for your fabulous inspiration and for sharing with us, I've entered my top 5 (sorry it was actually 10!).


  59. Hi Debby,
    It was sooo hard to choose but I finally did it ;)I hope you like them too.
    xoxo Anita

  60. what a brilliant idea Debby - but hard to choose just 5 .
    Love all yours, it must have taken you ages to choose
    Lisa ;)

  61. Gorgeous cards Debby - thanks again for the fun challenge!
    Hugs x

  62. Every one a stunner Debby fabulous creations. looking forward to all your fabby creations in 2011.

    Luv Ali x

  63. Thank you for sharing your georgeous creations with us, and for a great challenge - so difficult to narrow them to 5 though!

    Hugs, Sue xx

  64. Wow, your cards are awesome!!! I love the dimension!

  65. Hi Hun, got there in the end, probably to late, but thanks for the fun, I'd forgotten most of them he he, hugs Liz xx

  66. hi Debby, these are all great! It was difficult to choose but I like the PB mice the most together with the first card with the little fairy.
    hugs, jolanda

  67. Fabulous challenge and super top 5 all very stunning and gorgeous

  68. Hi Debbie, Happy New Year. Your cards are all outstanding, beautiful. Thanks for the great challenge. Love Lynne xx


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