
Wednesday, November 03, 2010


My desk for WOYWW doesn't look so bad when you photo it but really it was a mess. I hadn't tidy up my square work surface ready for the next card and I had decided to ink some stamps so I can colour tonight.
I don't use the brilliance ink pad for images but I find they're the best for word stamps and they dry fairly quick too.
An expensive way to stick cards together is with Repositional Herma but I try to keep for those tricky bits when you want to stick down in a something that looks like a straight line otherwise I'm a double sided tape girl as much as possible.
But all good plans came to an end when not only the UPS van-man brought me an amazing parcel which is top secret but the Postman brought me my order from Simon Says Stamps and I have an amazing round the page set of punches that I love so much I have to use straight away.


  1. I do love it when the UPS man brings me a package of art supplies! Right now I'm awaiting the delivery of some watercolor paper and new watercolors. Your desk looks like a fun place to create! Have a great week!

  2. Hi Debby. Your desk doesn't look too bad. It just looks like you have been crafting away which is more than I have done these last few days. I use double-sided tape the odd time but don't really like it as you can't change your mind once it is stuck down. I use herma repositionable all the time, I prefer it. Donna

  3. Your desk looks extremely tidy compared to mine lol!

  4. Your desk looks great Debby, so much more organized than me...

  5. looks more or less like my working place right now LOL. I don't even got place to work at it, so I move the things I ought to use and sit down in my living rooom hi hi :P
    hugs from Linda

  6. ooooooooooooh we all love parcels ... hope you are having fun with the goodies ~see you ahve a little space left!!
    vanessa xx

  7. hi ya hu
    lovely creative desk, oh when do we get to see ya sprise then?? have great day,happy WOYWW, sue,(17)x

  8. Fab desk Debby. Will you be showing us your craft supplies soon?
    Cathy xx

  9. oooo i know how you feeling
    saterday is it cleaningday in my room

  10. Ooooh I know all ABOUT messy desks! LOL Yours does look pretty good to me though *smiles*

    Have a great rest of the week!

  11. Lots of great goodies on that desk Debby - and jealous as you have a new PATP! Look forward to seeing your creations using that. Hugs, Claire x

  12. Have to agree about the Herma hun - best thing since sliced bread, but a tad pricey. However, I still use it for everything because with DST I end up stuck to the table! And you think your tables a mess - I really must get a pic of mine for next week ......
    Hugs, Sxx

  13. Lol, Debby what an untidy desk, a girl after my own heart...He He!!!!

  14. Hi Debby - I just love WOYWW - mainly cos I'm dead nosey!! Not really, just interested! No, seriously, it's great to see how other people live/craft. Have to say, I loved yesterday's card - so sweet! x

  15. i have a thing for white washed brick walls I wanted to keep our utility room that way and Niall insisted we board and plaster for heating reasons - so I wanted to do another wall and keep that white but sense prevailed - any hpoo - love your desk, Really Love your wall

    dx 46

  16. Who said it doesn;t look so bad photographed hehe

    Arent parcels FAB

    Happy WOYWW
    mandi xx

  17. It is so reassuring to see a desk that's covered with crafting materials! Mine tends to look like this on a GOOD day lol! Usually it's impossible to see my desk's surface at all!

    luv, Mags x

  18. oh great desk hun,look forward too seeing the,punch in action,hugs cheryl xxxxx 21

  19. Your desk looks just fine to me and I'm intrigued as to what UPS and the postman has brought you - can't wait for the reveal. Elizabeth #98

  20. Lucky you, I love it when parcels arrive!!

    ** Kate **

  21. Oooh - those snowflake punches look great....

  22. you lucky thing...i haven't seen Mr Postman for 5 years. Still, gives me a good excuse when i am home to shop a little. I do like that snowflake punch. caroline #16

  23. Took at peak at your Thursday post and the card is lovely, the Mo Manning image is quite touching and the punch and the punch is terrific. Elizabeth #98

  24. Very tidy desk, well it has to be I guess to make all your lovely cards!((Happy WOYWW!!))

  25. I'm a tape girl too Debby - although recently that's converted to an ATG gun. That punch looks show and tell!

  26. Debby, what a lovely looking desk and some yummy things on there. Thanks for sharing your workspace. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 36)


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