
Wednesday, October 06, 2010


So not so much Whats on my Workdesk Wednesday but more whats to the left off me, my pile of scraps is growing and need a bit of a sort out. My make up sponges are suppose to be in a pot in the corner but thats been overtaken by the scraplings left after I've made a card.

Now lets go to the right of me another pile growing, full of odds and sods that I haven't felt like putting away, like stamps after I've used them, scraps of pattern card that needs putting back with the other scraps and the phone that will go flat if I don't get round to pop it back in the charger than I'll get moaned at because I haven't answered the phone.


  1. LOL so a tidy up is in order than Debby? I am amazed at how much stash you have! Hugs, Claire x PS. Don't forgot to put the phone back!

  2. Ha ha Debs that's too funny! I think we all do this at times, I think esp when you have the creative flow going you just don't want to stop to put stuff away. It'll happen when the time is right : ), and believe me I think most of us end up with this more times than not you're just brave enough to admit it lol.

  3. Hi Debbie
    I had to laugh when I saw your crafting space, (at least I know I am not the only one who's craft room is in a mess) rotfl.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  4. Thanks for sharing babes - I love a good nosey round other people's craft spaces!! rofl!! I joined in too - it's a fabby idea. Lol Lynn ♥

  5. It's so good to know that others find chaos creeping up on them! It seems I can tidy my room and then make just ONE card it it's back to looking like a hurrican swept through! Love your work, btw, Debby x

  6. Oh excuse me for laughing but I never had you down a 'messy crafter' [no offence]
    My desks are usually a right tip, but with my lack of mojo lately and only seeming to ebable to make the cards I HAVE to make I decided to tidy up instead! lol
    Im usually so NOT tidy in any shape of form
    Will prove that next week hehe

    Happy Crafting, cos you create the most beautiful works of art!

    mandi xx

  7. well think you may need a wee tidy hun funny as i did mine on monday sorted out all my scarp pieces of card,great stash though love cheryl xxxxxxx

  8. I am getting a ridiculous size pile of scraps too babe....I keep saying, I will use them up one day ;)
    *hugs* Heather x (99)

  9. Great, another creative kaos. Like it LOL
    Hugs Sinikka

  10. oh debby you have made me laugh!! think you need to hire a tidy up elf!!LOL
    vanessa xx

  11. I say mess is a sign of creativeness Debby, well I have to say that, everything in my house is just that these days!! nnalorac.xx 62

  12. Hi ya hun
    fabby pics, very busy desk, push back push back that will make some room! lol,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (2)

  13. Great accumulations going on here, Debby! Love it.

  14. haha debbie I am exactly the same with the phone!! Always always forget to put it back until the husband finds it!

    Love your collection of Martha Stewart punches on the top shelf - aren't they just fabulous!?!

    WOYWW #78

  15. Snap! I need to tidy up too and can't really find the motivation to do it ... or the time come to think of it!
    Linky #27

  16. so lovely to see your crafty space!1 so full of lovely makes me want to come over and play!!! Hugs Juls

  17. Glad to see I'm not the only one who works in total mayhem lol!!! Just looks like my desk.
    Sharon x

  18. organised chaos I call it Debby, well thats my excuse anyway and Im sticking to it...yours is nearly as untidy as mine lol
    Mina xxx

  19. Well, hello there Debby, time to do some cleaning, LOL! However I think messy looks creative! Have a great day! Hugs Nilla

  20. Love your punch storage overhead. Once you clear a little space you'll be crafting away! TFS
    Linky #112

  21. Debby...I love that your desk looks like!!

    Karen x

  22. There's an enviable pile of MS punches there Debby and I like the monkey pencil case too.

    ** Kate **

  23. Hehe! Love your space :)
    Remember to put that phone back!

    Katie (138)

  24. I have stacks growing on my desk too - time and storage - if only. enjoy yourself anyway,

    sasa 18

  25. great desk and lots of punches to play with

  26. You have such a large collection of MS punches...I am envious as I only have 4...but they are fab!!! I love my MS punches.
    Sue xx 88

  27. Now that looks like a very productive desk to me!

    Love all your MS punches I spied on your shelf!

    Sherry (117)

  28. Just look at all those punches!

  29. Ah Debby, I ttotally get where you are - you sound as if you're just about to do what I do - hissy fit and tidy like a demon for a half an hour! Do it gal, then you can have space to start the same routine again! Love it.

  30. I loved the saying "odds and sods." NEver heard it before. I bet you already have some room to play in. Wanted to say I have MS Punch envy, too! (#1)

  31. Ah, no, leave it, and let the craft fairy come and tidy, but are a busy, as I've left mine for a few weeks now and they haven't shown up yet. Have a great WOYWW


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