
Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I think there's a conspiracy going on in the world of cardmaking, one thats suppose to make me feel guilty. What am I talking about, I believe I possibly have one Christmas card made and everywhere I look at the moment Christmas keeps sneaking in.
The fabulous new stamps from LOTV, one of the stamp companies I DT for have a new Christmas stamps release soon and now the challenge blog( not saying which one and since I try to work a couple of weeks ahead it will be a while till you find out) whats to do Christmas.
So on what on my Workdesk Wednesday will be my faithful MS snowflake punches, the inkpads at the back were on top of a peel off box which I keep my versacolour cubes, I had put them away once then decided I need to use them again so left them out.
Now the scary thing is I will tidy that square of craftmat before I start another card, making sure certain tools are back where they belong.


  1. Hi, Debby. Thank you for your lovely comment. What a tidy workdesk! Mine is always in a mess. Hugs. Miria

  2. Hi Debby
    lol ya not on your own on the Christmas card front hun, lovely tidy desk, have good eve, sue,x

  3. hi Debby,
    I've bin away for three weeks on summerholiday to the costa brava in spain
    and i shore missed blogging
    so now I'm back I was going to yours and had to scroll and scroll and scroll, all threw your cards and little stories.
    Wow you've bin very busy and you\ve made such beautyful cards in bright colors
    I love them all, they are just stunning
    hugs Andrea

  4. no dont mention Christmas!!! lol
    I am in denile about it all this year!

    love tina x

  5. Love looking at your desk Debby, I think I need that MS heart punch lol.
    I am the same with having to put away even if I am still playing, can't help myself
    hugs Mandy xx

  6. Hey Debby, Happy WOYWW! Great workspace! Love your easel with the very pretty card in the corner and all those delicious looking papers/cardstock laying against the wall!

    Hope you had a great day

  7. I refuse to think about christmas in July...I have one card made so you are not on your own!! Last minute rush thats me!!! Lol
    Hugs Emma x

  8. Ah Debby, I do that - beware it's a slippery slope - the 'oh! I might re-use that so I'l leave it out' syndrome!! Your desk looks calm and rady for action to me - but I know what you mean about thaving tools in the right place at the start of each 'thing'.

  9. When can we see the LOTV Christmas stamps ????

    ** Kate **

  10. Great interesting desk and lots of things I could do with there!.

  11. You have a very busy looking desk this week.


  12. love your busy desk, with the easel for display and hooks to hang stuff

  13. Your place looks beautiful. With me it is also like that, if I tinker, correctly beautiful order. I love it, if it is wild ......*gg*

  14. I really wish I could, put things away every time, and I promise myself I will...but.... your paper cutter looks real mean, I have three, and not one has ever cut straight...I nearly bought one of those snowflake punches last week, but didn't as I do have a large Woodware one..strange that I'm now seeing them everywhere, and wishing i had! Have a good weekend...

  15. What a lovely crafting space you have Debby!

    I agree with you about the CC!

    Keryn x


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