
Sunday, July 25, 2010

LOTV Sunday

Gosh this card looks so busy, but I've used the fab easy Friday Sketchers sketch#112. Maybe it didn't need the flowers from Prima but they're the perfect colour to go with My Minds Eye papers. Of course the cute image is from LOTV, I just can't get over how adorable they're are.
The BBQ was brilliant and Sis had a few friends over and some who had never been before and they have asked if there's another one in a couple of years could they be possibly invited again.


  1. Gorjus gorjus gorjus !

    Love Karen x

  2. Another fantastic card.Your images always look like they are about to jump out of the card,do you cut around them?It looks brilliant.Elisa.x

  3. Hi Debby, Gorgeous card! Such a sweet image, fab papers and gorgeous flowers.

    Lisa x

  4. Oh my, now how cute is this gorgeous card! Love the bright colors too Debby:-D

    Inge xx

  5. Gorgeous card!! I enjoy visiting your blog everyday.
    Greetings Anneke

  6. hi Debby,
    your card is busy, yes , but it is a real fab and cute card so it dosn't mather
    love teh colors and the flowers
    hugs andrea

  7. OMG, this is so pretty, a real visual feast! x

  8. Hi Debby,
    Wonderful papers and bright colours. This is a really cheerie card. I love the image - it's gorgeous. Not too busy for me.
    Fiona x

  9. I love the busyness of it, I think it looks perfect.
    hugs chris xx

  10. Hi Debby,

    the image is so cute an i like the arrangement.

    hugs, Kati

  11. Gorgeous card Debby! These LOTV images are adorable aren't they? Love how you've used bright funky colours for this card, matches the sentiment very aptly! :-)
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
    Hugs, Vicky ~x~

  12. Cue, cute, cute!
    What a lovely card Debby! Flowers are beautiful, offcourse you had to use them ;)
    Have a fab Sunday,
    xoxo Anita

  13. Debby, this is gorgeous, I love all your little extras, they make it perfect.

  14. Hi!Debby this is just soooo gorgeous,fab colours and just so cute.
    love all,have a lovely day.
    hugs Lou.xx

  15. Wow this is stunning Debby - merry and bright indeed! Love those scrolly corners and the images are indeed adorable, they work so well in the bright colours you've used

  16. Hi debby,
    you are gonna be making me spend if you keep churning out these beautiful cards with these lovely imagesx
    Suzie Qx

  17. Stunning as always, love that it's so bright and colourful, there is so much to look at!!

    Leanne x

  18. Hi Debby,
    Wow these images are so cute! Beautiful card as always.
    So glad you enjoyed the BBQ, the weather is still very changable here.
    Jen x

  19. Debby this is just beautiful!! Just the thing to brighten up a murky Sunday. Lol Lynn ♥

  20. OMG hun this is fabulous She looks as if she is really flying its just perfect
    Jacqui xxx

  21. Beautiful Debby,i love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers and the details.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  22. I have this fab image, I love how you've given it the Debby touch, great 3d and yummy papers. FAB

  23. Ahh, this is so cute Debby, i just love the new LOTV images and this one is beautiful- love it x

    Fern xx

  24. Have just discovered your blog Debby from Penny Black Saturday Challenge. I just have to say that your cards are absolutely amazing, you are so talented. I get the impression that you are the type of crafter that producing your cards just comes natural. Love the LOTV cards you are producing and especially love your Penny Black one, so much that I had to buy a Martha Stewart snowflake punch last night lol

  25. Just love those LOTV stamps and love what you did with them. I think they way you give your stamped images dimension is great Debby, they really pop off the page and come to life. Great card :) xx

  26. This is just tooo cute, you know everyone in blogland are going to want this stamp for their Christmas Cards You've made it brilliantly!!

  27. Wow Debby, Your card is gorgious and so are all the other cards you made lately !

    Hugs Monique

  28. Wowser Debby, this work is stunning, fabulous, genius. Hugs x

  29. Absolutely stunning Debs! Lovin the bright colours!

  30. Love this Debby! My fave Christmas papers, just so jazzy!

    Sorry I've not been around much the last couple of months. I'm working hard to change that and hope to see you more often soon! ~x~

  31. Scrummy card Debby and such pretty colours :) Donna x

  32. Wow yet another gorgeous card. Just love the colours and that image well what can I say but my wish list just got longer.


  33. Ooh I love this too! Such an adorable stamp and the bright colours are really fun! I hope you're having a nice sunday!

    Love Beth xx

  34. Gorgeous image and I love those papers. Susie x

  35. Beautiful card Debby, the image is gorgeous I love the colours you have chosen and the poinsettia look fab. :-) xx

  36. Какая прелесть! Забавный штампик!

  37. Just stunning what a fab colour combo!

    Emma xxx

  38. This is absolutely gorgeous! Great colour pairing and all those layering really makes the card pop! :)

  39. stunning card debby, the image is fab,so adorable and i do love your striking colours and fab layout.

    xx coops xx

  40. Hey, Debby!

    Just read about you on Simon Says! Nice little write up and more beautiful cards! ..... you just whip 'em out! (love this one TOO!)

    If you like, let me know when you come to the USA and visit Las Vegas Nevada, as I can get there from New Mexico and I'd like to meet you!

  41. P.S. I work "messy" too!...dunno why, it just seems to be the only way the "best" cards come out...gotta have EVERYTHING out @ the same time!

  42. Great creation Debby, love your image and design. And the 3D brings it all to life.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  43. Wowzers Debby this is stunning - I love it!
    Hope you've had a great weekend.
    Debs xx

  44. I have been away on holiday and you have made not less than 15 cards in about as many days. How on earth do you do that Debby? And every singe one of them is different and every one is decoupaged and every one is absolutely bloomin stunning! You amaze me! Warmest wishes, Lesley

  45. absolutely gorgeous! :)

  46. Another fabulous piece sweetie!! x

  47. Oh wow! What can I say to this card??? YOU are simpley the BEST!!! This is PERFECT! xx Bianca

  48. Another beautiful creation!

  49. Beautiful card Debby. I think the flowers are perfect.

  50. Gorgeous! you made me fall in love with this stamp brand!

  51. Debbie you did it again with you amazing talent! Beth

  52. great and stunning card debby I love again this stamp and your
    coloring is great
    Hugs Lia

  53. wow debby, what an amazing and so wonderful colourful card. i LOVE this card. you´ve done a perfect work.
    big hugs, bea

  54. Awww, so sweet, this is lovely! Great design and I just love that image!

  55. Aaaww this is sooo adorable! Gorgeous colours and papers and just love those pink poinsettias too.

  56. This card is so cute - I love the image! And the 3D look is so great - I think I might be "stealing" for some of my christmas cards - it looks so gorgeous and alive!


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