
Wednesday, June 09, 2010


I wasn't going to get tied up to show my Whats on your Workdesk Wednesday but I'm having such a pooh day that this is the most crafty thing I can get my head round to do today. I know you've seen my new metal notice board but I've discovered a magnetic bulldog clip although I've no idea where from but netherless is was hiding in one my boxes I've recently sorted out. Just to prove my Sis does read my blog she brought me a couple of magnets from Spain.

This is my tool bag, I did have one of those AMM tote bags but every time I went to crops half the things had fallen out, so this had a zip lid which I can just barely closed once I add my inks and pencil case.


  1. Your desk looks better than mine!
    That bag is neato!!!

  2. I love looking at peoples desks so thanks for sharing! Love, Clare x

  3. I hope your mojo comes back tomorrow Debby. I have one of those bags - they are fab for cramming everything into! Hugs, Claire x

  4. I spy a Fiskars rotary trimmer. Hope yours is better than mine. It works ok but so big I just don't bother with it. Any tips?
    Luv Joanne xx

  5. Always a joy when people share their clutter :)
    That bag looks really neat! Been wanting to buy one of these things for really long now, just don't have the space right now :(
    ** Evi **

  6. Having a giggle, photographing my mess was about the most creative activity I could perform today - put it down to the lousy weather!!
    hugs Heather xx

  7. Love the look of that bag, must get me one of those. Love your workspace and that roll of kitchen towel what a cool idea
    Kate x

  8. what is it about us crafters , we love a nose at other crafters spaces and stashes!

    love tina x

  9. oh hope you start to feel better soon hun love your work space,and love the bag hugs cheryl xxxxx

  10. You have loads of coloured sharpy pens, I can only get black, Love your bag and of course Eeyore!

  11. Your mojo will soon come flooding back but in the meantime a great workspace you have and a wonderfully organised tote too. Tracy Evans x

  12. much tidier than mine Debby lol
    Mina xxx

  13. Great workdesk! Loads of good stash there! Dont worry we all have off days, I think you have done brill! Well done & thanx for sharing!

  14. WOYWW shouldn't tie you up - just dip in and out as you please!! My prob with the AMM bag was they are sooo tall and everyone puts them on the desk and you can't see round 'em for a chat or a look see!! YOurs is a better reason for changing!

  15. Fab workdesk. Really hope you mojo returns very soon.
    A x

  16. Great bag, love the Eeyore.

    ** Kate **

  17. oh love the tool bag, looks like it would hold quite a bit of stash :0)
    *hugs* Heather x

  18. Oooh Debby, just love your tote!

  19. glad you shared your desk. im liking the paper towels hanging over the bulletin board.... :)


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