
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's on your Desk Wednesday

I don't plan to do this reguarly since my desk looks like this normally, but I'm hoping these will be the before pictures and next week will be the after "I've had a good tidy up" pictures.
So on my desk this Wednesday is the mess from yesterday and the worst of it, I have to tidy up a bit before I can make a card.

To the right is this muddle, the pink bag is on a drawer trolley and this lot fell on top of me last week, which is why my elbow is so multicoloured.

To the left is another muddle of boxes but funny enough I know what is in them. See I work in a creative muddle where only I know where things belong.
My aim is to sort out all my 12 by 12 papers especially all the kit pizza boxes hiding in my dining room. To clear out all the crannies I can't reach and ask myself do I really need this. Can I work out if I can put another shelf in somewhere!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Debby, Your workroom pictures make us smile, it just looks like our room!!
    Its fun to see the rooms that other crafters work in.
    We would love it if you could hop over to see our creations, We love to hear your comments, we love your work and was following your blog even before we had our own.
    Love and hugs
    Emma and Susan

  2. LOVE IT !! :-) Your room is just like mine :-) Disaster area :-) OK will join you and take 'before' piccy's too :-)

    Lols x x x

  3. A true artist doesn't care about the mess ;) It looks very cosy and workable (is that a word?). Love the way you stashed your ribbon! I see you share my love for all kind of boxes!
    xoxo Anita

  4. A lady after my own heart. I can only work in a mess and if its not right beside me I forget about it.
    I got my work space down to an A5 space before I knew it was time for a clean up. Last Saturday it took me 4hrs!

  5. Oh, boy!!!
    I think you really need to organize a bit... I schouldn't say much though, my craftingtable is at least as messy as yours.
    Hmmm, maybe I schould clean up to??? Good luck to you, with your cleaning ;o)
    Hugs, Hulda M.

  6. ooh Debby,
    So pleased to see a crafter who can still have a lot of muddle around her. I have something similar and my partner says I AM A FIRE RISK!!! I tell him not to come in my room while I am creating lol.
    I have really tried to clear it but too embarrased to show
    Lol. Jo.

  7. Hi Debby
    its creative not messy, lol, luv the ribbons trying to escape outa the bag! sue,x

  8. Your working room might be in a muddle but I bet you know where everything is? I'm like you make a real mess when crafting then I have to have a blitz before I can start again, like this afternoon..lOl..lOl


  9. Ooh Debby thanks for sharing, where are the elves hidden??? hee hee, lovely creative cubby hole full of lots of exciting places to hide things, Happy Crafting, Sue xx

  10. We can't have enough shelves, can we? You know, I would love to rummage through your boxes! Patsy from

  11. Hi Debb - what a wonderful space. I always eel better when ahve seen other peoples work desks. I am oping to tidy mine tomorrow laid plans eh?
    Lisa ;)

  12. Hi Debby, wow you have some lovely stash there, lol! Good luck with the tidying, bet you forget what you have, like me, lol! hugs Heidi xx

  13. please dont tidy we love seeing desks in their creative loved state!

    great space you have there!

  14. What a lovely mess!! Sorry about your elbow though - Jacqueline xx.

  15. as soon as you tidy up you will not be able to find anything!
    love tina x

  16. Think we all work in a creative mess at times, but at least its creative that's the main thing. Don't fancy all that stash falling on top of me either, poor you. Enjoyed my snoop, Tracy Evans x

  17. Yay I'm so glad you shared these pictures! This makes me feel like I'm not the only one with a not-so-tidy desk sometimes :) Nice to see where you do your magic!

  18. So that's where you work your creative magic is it hun! Great fun, thanks for sharing, Jo x

  19. Lovely creative mess, I don't envy you all that sorting out! Looking forward to seeing the after.

    ** Kate **

  20. oh wow, fabulous creating area! I thought I had a lot of stuff!!! Now I don't feel so bad and I am going to show Hubby your pics!lolSee I do need more! hugs debx

  21. Hiya Debby

    your space looks so bright, love your desk area, full of creativity!

  22. Hey - YES! ... there's always room for another shelf!


  23. LOL loads of stash Debby, can't wait to see it all nice and tidy next week! Claire x

  24. Just in case they are gone forever here's a new one :-) You sure have a lot of stash, funny how we know where each item is even when we have such a lot of stash.

  25. Debby,

    I'm GLAD to see that someone else works in a MESS! ha-ha!

    Don't know why but I too am "organize challenged"..I work my BEST in ciao!

    LOVE looking @ a organized crafting area, just can't seem to be able to keep it that way!

  26. No need to tidy before making that card; just push it all to one side! And here's to a creative muddle. I'm sure it makes us more creative!

  27. Ok ,, I have popped back again, saw that you had lost all your comments :-) You were the reason I got my camera out and took piccy's of my room too :-) I love seeing your room where you must spend most of your time :-) You have mountains of goodies and it does look like organised chaos :-) I hate tidying mine ,, can't find anything then lol ,,, :-)

    Lols x x x

  28. what a great room. Hope your bruises go quickly.

  29. Hiya Debby,
    At last, a space that looks like mine! Just the way I work too, and I have lots of anonymous little drawers and boxes as well, can't say I know what's in them though..
    big hugs
    En xx

  30. Hi Debbie

    You look as organized as me, but at least you know where things are, I can't find anything!!

    Hugs Ali x

  31. I love your craftroom! I wish I also could have one but I actually just have a box next to my armchair and a small cupboard :-(

  32. Wowwwww, so much stash!!!!!!! Great WOYWW.

  33. So much fun to see your craftroom. Thanks for sharing it.
    Hugs Sinikka

  34. Love all the storage boxes.


  35. oh wow! how fabulous to see where you make your fantastic cards! You have some lovely stash , boxes and boxes of it!! Love to go through your draws!!


  36. That's what I love to see a creative melange .... can't wait to see the after too.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Toodles and Binks

  37. Ah Debby well done! Can't guarantee that doing WOYWW will chang eyour habits, but you will I'm sure have discovered many many of us who have craft areas like yours - it's a safety blanket, and as long as you know where it all is..! LOVE the Cricut cover.

  38. I can see a fab muddle of ribbons :-)
    A x

  39. Love too see other messy crafters, am always in a mess, tidy up, what a waste of time, a coule of cards and I'm back to square one. It's a creatiove mind that causes the mess Debby, remember that and you do make lovely cards.

  40. I know about messy desk space!! I have to clean up my area too... ideally I'd like to do this every time after I create but it never happens. LOL!
    Jodi =)

  41. wauw debby

    love the pic's of you'r desk seems like i'm not the only one with a big mess somethimes!hihi


  42. Lovely to see where you make your gorgeous cards Debby, thanks for showing your craft space.

    Nicki, xx

  43. wow that space is jam packed lol full of creativity. When mine gets in a mess I still know where everything is, i think it must be the crafters gene lol

  44. good gracious Debby, how much stuff have you got in that craft room - can i come round and look in all your boxes - taking this noseyness to the enth degree??? LOL

    Paula x x x

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