
Sunday, May 02, 2010


I had these layouts for the 52-10 done, couple of weeks ago but forgot to blog them. This one is probably my fave. The prompt was basically about your faults and since I don't have any I thought Mary Poppins would work.
Here's some journalling to explain why I'm always right.

Another prompt was about your Home, I've made something similar for a CJ.

This prompt was about redecorating and to be honest my page is pretty boring but I think it tells the story of how we changed the flooring downstairs, it was a huge job since the floors had to levelled. Next time I take a pic and I've been working in the dining room because of the cold, I will make sure I clean it up first.
I know I pretty much well behind with the prompt but thats the brilliance of the prompts I can do then as I get time. My album is starting to look like a real scrapbook with the pages I've done so far. You can check out my other blog where they are show in one post together.


  1. what fun layouts Debbie - love the mary Poppins one !
    Lisa ;)

  2. Great layouts Debby, I love the 1st LO. This is what I told my boss when he asked me what my flaws were at my interview. Still got the job, luckily he has a sense of humour. Your 2nd LO is great I love the way you have used the letters. The 3rd shows exactly what it is a before and after, clean simple perfect. :-) xx

  3. Fabulous project! The Mary Poppins image is such a good idea! Hugs Juls

  4. Hi Debby, love your scrapbook pages, and your front page is fabulous. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  5. Hi Debby
    wow i luv your scrapbook pages, they look fantastic, luv the home one, gorgeous creations hun,sue.x

  6. Great lay outs Debby! Jo x

  7. Debby you can't be Mary Poppin's because I am!!! even down to my handbag which has everything in it including a coat stand! ha ha, fab layouts, Sue xx

  8. Oh Debby, I'm crying with laughter over the "Mary Poppins Effect" - I too am a sufferer of that particular condition!!!!

    Fab LO's hun...and thanks for the giggle!

    Hugs x

  9. Oh Debby, I always LOVE your LOs and these are no exception! Thank you so much for sharing them! Hugs, Sem x

  10. Oh what are these wonderful Lay Out Debby.

    Hugs Suze xx

  11. Just wonderful! You are awsome.


  12. super layouts Debby
    love sarah xxx

  13. Ah fab scrapbook pages Debby- i love the first, Mary poppins is amazing x

    Fern xx

  14. Hi Debby, Fabulous layouts. I love how you've done the 'HOME' word. Your new hall floor looks awesome! I'm sure it was worth all the upheaval in the end. keeleyxx

  15. Your pages are all fab Debby! Love your LO's and pretty papers. I'd love to be able to scrapbook, but that big empty page is just too scary!

  16. WOAH!!! Awesome work...super :) :) :)

    If you would be interested in giving a new challenge blog a try, I would love to see how it inspires you :) You can check it out at: Scrap It With a Song

  17. Great LOs, Debby!
    Your journaling on the 'Mary Poppins'-LO cracked me up!

  18. fab pages Debby, ful of wit and humour. love the Mary Poppins. janex

  19. Debby these are just fantastic - I love the fact that you have documented the upheaval of the floor being redone!! Its things like that which you will look back on in years to come and laugh about! xxx

  20. Hiya Debby your layouts are fabulous!!, love the Mary Poppins one, brought back some happy memories for me that one, as this was the first Movie I saw at the cinema on my own with an adult :-).
    Sheila xx

  21. Wow. Your scrapbook pages are excellent. You are so good at thinking of interesting pages. The Mary Poppins page made me giggle. My other half always asks me if I get bored of always being right. I tell him one of us has to be and I'm glad it's me! How were we born so perfect?


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