
Thursday, May 06, 2010

The Craft Barn Mini Book

This is what I was doing on last Sunday while Hubby watched a football feast  on TV and kept out of my way.
The Craft Barn has a collection of sketches to make a mini book and this is my version. I took myself right out of the comfort zone and actually stamped onto my cardstock, which I never do in case I make a mess of it. The papers are Bliss by Crate papers, now that I've stroked and admired them for about a year I can now cut into them. I warn you now this is one long post but lots of pics.

I never use  embossed folders for my scrapbooking either so this was quite a challenge too. I used the daisy folder then dotted the flower centres. Yes that was me about 1964-5 we think. This is sketch 1.

There isn't many photo's when I was younger, one because photos was quite expensive to get developed and money was scarce while we were going up. I found these in my Sis's collection and scanned them.
The flower I made using the Stampin up scallop punch and the words are a set of scrappbooking stamps I've had for a while.
This is Sketch 2

I used one stamp all through the book so it was always on hand and thank goodness for MS punches they always give a fab finishing touch. This is sketch 3.

This where the sketches go out of order to suit the photos I wanted to use. My swirl punch and sizzix die get used for the heading and I use one of the many chipboard letter that I forget to use. This is sketch 6.

Martha Stewart was heavily involved into making this page, gosh my Hubby has hair!!!!!
This is sketch 7.

Sorry folks but I'm back to sketch 4. Not too happy with the colour of this page but it was in the kit and I had to use it somewhere. I decided to use a clock for one of the picture circles to show how time flies. Look at the stamping swirls, gosh I was brave.

I wanted this page to contrast the previous one so I had to use that awful paper but managed to hide most of it. This is sketch 5.

This was to be our last family holiday since the kids were at an age where it isn't cool to be on holiday with your parents. DD since discovered is might not be cool but it certainly is cheaper. This is sketch 8.

This is where I've added more pages but still used the sketches. I think I may have over done the gems, the sentiment I go from a stall at Ally Pally. The pic is when we went on the eye which was a gift for our silver wedding. The official pic in the eye pod, some one was standing where the frame was, yes it was me. I've used sketch 2 again.

This was a pic taken at my nieces home and they thought it would be funny to give me a glass that holds a bottle of wine, I had the last laugh I drank it all. I've  used sketch 1 again but angled my pic.

This is on the back cover page, which is really sketch 1 but flipped over.
Really please with my mini book, although DD remarked not another morbid book!


  1. WOW....Debby, I love your album and the photos are wonderful!!!
    GREAT work.
    Hugs, Mumur

  2. Hi Debby
    what a fantastic keepsake you have made
    Love Sarah XXX

  3. Oh Debby I've so enjoyed looking through the pages of your mini book...... how lovely to see your life in pictures like this and you've done such a fab job with the sketches!!
    Well done, an amazing creation!!
    Hugs Tara xx

  4. WOW, thats a wonderful creation hun!
    And what much work!!!


  5. I love it Debbie. Not least because i loved seeing you throughe the ages lol.
    My favourite page is the one with the huge wineglass !
    Lisa ;)

  6. Debby this is a fantastic little book, thank you so much for sharing it with us all, it has been wonderful looking through your fabby pictures. love

  7. This is a brilliant project Debby. Thanks for sharing it and all those lovely photos too.
    Beryl xx

  8. This is lovely. Well done for scrapping yourself - something I really need to consider doing. Might just lift your idea. Thank you for the inspiration xx

  9. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. I loved looking at your pics (so did my hubby). Agree with you re the yellow but overall the look is stunning. Makes me want to do some scrapbooking again. Marianne x

  10. Awww what a lovely mini book of your life.... its so good.
    Diane xx

  11. Wow Debby how lovely mini book You've made!!! Love it! So cozy :)


  12. WOW! This is great Debby! Well done you, such a lovely keepsake. Fab photos too.

  13. Debby this is fab, I think I must be around the same age as you, as there aren't many photos of me either as a child. Thanks for sharing it has given me an idea too. Wendy encouraged me to do a scrapbook for my daughter for her 18th birthday, a page for each year of her life she said!! 40 pages later and weighing a ton, but the best thing I have ever done for her and so well received too. She is the envy of her friends, all said that they wished their mums would do the same thing for them!!! Take care Hugs Jo x

  14. oh this is amazing! so much work has gone into it.

    love tina x

  15. A fantastic Mini Debby, gorgeous colours and detailing on every page and I love all your pics...I remember having a tatan pinafore just like yours :) TFS.
    Debbie x

  16. Debby, WOW!! I love all the pages you created for the book! This must have taken a long time, but it sure paid off!
    Jodi =)

  17. wow this is just fabulous!!! Love all the pages they are just gorgeous!! Love the story telling of the whole book! Just Fab!!! Hugs Juls

  18. oh wow Debby, what a fantastic scrapbook, the designs and colours are amazing...beautiful photographs
    Mina xxx

  19. A lovely keepsake Debby and such an amazing job you've made of it. Your stamping is wonderful and all the better for taking the risk and such great photos. I particularly love the baby page with the clock on, such a speial time! Thanks for having a go with the mini book and good luck with the competition
    x Michelle

  20. Great layouts Debby! Love the bl & wh pics!!! Brings back old memories!

  21. This is so terrific and I am so proud of you for doing a book about a VIP You! Beth

  22. one of the very best minis its so beautifully created and wonderful Hugs Janet x

  23. Great work Debby, what a lovely book! I must get on with the mini book that I want to make for my niece's birthday - I have less than a week so noooo pressure! Jo x

  24. Wow Debby, what a fantastic mini book! Love the papers you have chosen.
    Hugs Lynsey x

  25. OMG How wonderful! I just love this Debby, fabulous photos! Kim

  26. Wow Debby this is fab, loved looking back over the years, what a great keepsake, mmm where can I get one of those glasses!! Happy Crafting, Sue xx

  27. Fantastic mini album Debby. Just love the papers you have used and all your other details. What a fantastic keepsake of your life so far.

    Good luck,


    Jo xx

  28. Fantastic mini album Debby and such great photographs! Love your papers and gorgeous details throughout. Good luck! Chris x

  29. This is lovely! I really like the colours, it's not morbid, it's a happy book! (Men!)

  30. A fantastic mini album Debby. I can see that a lot of thought and effort went into this. Thanks for playing along with the Craft Barn Challenge.
    Kay x


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