
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A Nellie Thank You

I've got myself in a bit of pickle where I've agree to stuff that all needed to ready at the same time but I'm now seeing the light of day, it would help if I was much better organised.
One of things I agreed to was being a Guest at Everybody Art Challenge which I have loved doing. This is my last week and the challenge is Thanks, so this sweet Nellie is sending a thank you letter.
I've seen someone at Christmas using this nestability frame as a book and I just had to have a go. I've a tiny Postcard stamp but do you think I could find it most annoyed it's so tiny its probably in a SAFE place. The papers are Wister Basic Grey, love my lattice punch and the flowers are from Wild Orchid, just wish I could make fab corsages like Tabs and Bev, the sentiment is Hero Arts. Just wouldn't be one of my cards if there wasn't a bit of ribbon somewhere.
So last night we went and had a meal at Jamie's Italian in Guildford in what used to be my bank, the food was good although by the time we waited for them to go downstairs and back again with DD food and the chips we had to start ours because it was already going cold, the service was efficient the poor girl was rushed off her feet even on a Monday. But I going to refer Jamies as the Aldi of restaurants keep it basic and pack it high, what do I mean by that, well it was really cosy you were so closed to your neighbour you could lean over and eat off their plate. The space for getting in and out was so small even my DS had to turn sideways to get out and there's not an ounce of fat on him.


  1. Debby I like your card very much! Great colors and the girl is so cute!
    Hugs, Alex

  2. Simply stunnng creation Debby, love it. Have a super day.

  3. Sooooooooo beautiful Debby! Your cards always make me go 'wow' whenever they appear on the PC screen! Jo x

  4. Beautiful,love this girl and youre combination from papers and coloring PERFECT!!!

    Hugs Agnesxx

  5. The Aldi of restaurants *giggle* I love that expression!!!!

    This is a GORGEOUS card Debby, love the nesty book :) Oh and that missing stamp? Probably in the same "safe" place as all the ones I can't find!

    Hugs x

  6. beautiful card Debby, love your nellie and your colouring of her, glad you enjoyed your night out as well xx

  7. Gorgeous colours, love all of the elements in this card, just stunning!!
    Angela x

  8. Adorable card, such gorgeous details and colours.
    Lol at Aldi of restaurants...thats not good.
    Hugs Emma x

  9. Hi Debby,
    I love all the shades of blue on your card and the punched lattice border is fantastic.
    Beautiful image so well coloured.
    Fiona x

  10. gorgeous thank you card Debby and beautiful little extras with the cute image.
    hugs, annie x

  11. Hi Debby whow what a stunnig card so sweet!

    hugs Ilonka

  12. Morning Debby

    You don't mean yummy Jamie in the form of Martin I hope, if so I'm away to Guilford. What heaven that would be be, fav celeb chef and Italian food all in one go, oooooh.........drool, melt.

    Serious stuff now and you lovely card. Stunning as usual.

    B x

  13. hoi debby,
    what a nice card you made today,
    and yes ,I know what you mean , I have lots of stuff, but sometime I do not know it because I can't see it
    hugs andrea

  14. LOVE this! she is so cute! OMG! I missed out on so many fab posts because of your sticky post at the top! Doh! I am soooo stupid!
    Have loved catching up, you are amazing!

  15. Beautiful thank you-card!
    Funny to read about your diner. Hope it was not too expensive ;)
    xoxo Anita

  16. Morning Debby, wow what a fabulous idea to use that die as a book, it really does a brilliant job, and your colouring is gorgeous as well. The design is fantastic. With love a nd hugs Shirleyxxxx

  17. Wow wow wow, just adore this hun
    Hugs Jacqui x

  18. Morning babes - what another stunner. I must dig out my Wisteria paper - you have given me a pang for it again!! Glad you enjoyed your night out but talk about packing 'em in!! Oh and your stamp will turn up in about six months when you forgot you were ever looking for it!! Lol Lynn ♥

  19. Необыкновенно красиво! Мне очень нравится!

  20. This is just gorgeous Debby!! xx

  21. Good morning Debby, i can't keep up with you at the moment, two more gorgeous cards since my last visit, both absolutely stunning. Glad you enjoyed your meal last night, i love eating out! At least being tightly packed in kept you warm! have a wonderful day hunny hugs Linda x

  22. Hello Debby!!! Your card is gorgeous!!! I love the colors that you used and all your details are fabulous!!! Love the idea with the book in the background ~ really goes nicely with your adorable image!!!
    Have a great day!

  23. Beautiful card Debb, fabulous layout, gorgeous image and stunning details. See you've got the Wisteria out again (lol). I'm only jealous coz I've run out and awaiting more.
    Found the cars by the way, thought someone had built a row of igloos on the forecourt.
    hugs Heather xx

  24. Wow! I adore that book! Such a cute idea! Beautiful papers too. Love your card Debby!
    Hugs, Dena

  25. HI Debby! Your card, as always, is stunning! I love the colours and the pretty corsage (it's just fab), and the stamp is lovely (I have this and so shame on me for not using it)!
    Hugs Shelly ;)

  26. as always debby a beautifully made card ~gorgeous papers and image!
    vanessa xx

  27. Oh, what a beautiful card!I love this,colouring is fab!

  28. Gorgeous as always Debby!!!
    Love the colors and that paper is awesome!!!

  29. Love the nestie on the angle and the beautiful floral arrangement.

  30. Totally gorgeous Debby, love the bookplate behind the image!

  31. Your card is gorgeous Debby!
    Papers and details are beautiful as always.
    Love your card!


  32. Your card is super adorable Debby! Your image is beautiful and your detailing is fabulous!

  33. What a wonderful card Debby - I love how you made that label look like a book! Your flower corsage is gorgeous!
    Hugs, Danielle

  34. Gorgeous card. love the whole thing, so well presented.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  35. Oh Debby, you know this is just soooo gorgeous girl!! I love it!!! The image and the colors are stunning!!! HUGS

  36. Beautiful card lovely image and great colour choice. luv gina xx

  37. What a sweet card Debby.
    Beautiful colors and paper.

    Hugs Suze XX

  38. What a beautiful card Debby,i love your image and colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  39. Hi Debby
    Just loving your layout the book idea is fab & once again you have really shown off those lush BG papers with your colouring. I have to agree with your aldi comment having had my sardine moments in both the Guildford and Kingston Jamie's outlets!!
    Sara xx

  40. this is so so gorgeous!! Love how you have created the book! Hugs Juls

  41. Your cards are always fabulous Debby!!!

  42. Ohhhh Debby! This is just one gorgeous layout--love this!!!

  43. Oh wow Debby this is one truly awesome card I love the image and that book shape with the ribbon is just such a wonderful touch...amazing.

    Lorraine x

  44. This is gorgeous Debby. The 'nestie book' is a great idea and the WOJ mage is delightful. Of course, the MS border is fab.
    Beryl xx

  45. This is so sweet and adorable Debby! Love The colors. Also love the lovely coloring and emblishments!!!


  46. *I love this beautiful card Debby! Love the image she is so sweet! And Your color choise and coloring is fab!


  47. This is stunning, and I think your corsage is just beautiful.x

  48. You are the master of the Wisteria DP I think!!! Beautiful work, love that flower bunch and your image work is gorgeous!!!
    Take Care,


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