
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Take Three

We finally went and said our goodbyes to my best friend yesterday and it left me feeling "If only". It was a beautiful service but my heart went to her Hubby who as lost his dad this week too.
I thought I would be able to craft but came home with such a headache, added a couple of pain pills and Mr Mojo packed up and left for the day. Shame really wanted to play with the goodies that the Postie finally managed to deliver.
So I leave you with some Layouts that I've done recently, the first being my two using one of the few photos I'm allowed to take. They generally only let me have one. The papers are Basic Grey and all of the layouts our inspired using Pagemaps

The next one is my Niece's new Hubby with his nephew, he's sister foolishly called him Auntie Nelly and now he is stuck with it. The papers are out of a Scrap-go-go kit.

I'm disappointed with this layout cos I don't feel it flows right but I'm impressed with grungeboard hinges and number. The papers are Kaiser and the title is using Black Letter cartridge for the Cricut.
Hubby has taken off the wallpaper off one of the walls in the living room, no turning back now. He not happy though, the vinyl type paper is not coming off very easily and the air occasionally turns blue!


  1. Great pages Debby! You have inspired me to start scrapbooking again!

  2. I'm sorry about your friend hun.

    The layouts are fabulous and you shouldn't be disappointed with the bottom one, it's totally groovy!

    Blue air sounds... healthy... ;), get some fresh air sweetie!

  3. Hi Debby,
    These are so different from your normal but are beautifully done. What a wonderful way to keep those precious photographs of special people.
    Fiona x

  4. I just love these layouts Debby. You are so right, those cute little hinges are to die for.

  5. These layouts are incredible Debby! I love them!! xx

  6. wow, love the lo´s...great work Debby! Hugs!

  7. Hi Debby, what a beautiful layout's. I love this image and you've coloured it perfectly.
    Hugs Trudy

  8. Beautiful layouts Debby. I'm sorry for your loss, life is a bu**er sometimes

  9. Hi Debby,
    sorry for your loss..I lost my cousin last week life can be so cruel these layouts their gorgeous..
    Mandy xx

  10. 3 wonderful layouts Debby, lovely warm pictures. Hope you feel better soon. janex

  11. All such beautiful layouts!! I hope your headache is over by now.
    I'm sorry for your loss.
    xoxo Anita

  12. Hi Debby, it must have been a very stressful day for you yesterday and Im not surprised you had a headache, but youve created some beautiful pages and Im sure they will be stunning when youve finished. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  13. wouwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn beautiful
    huggs elly

  14. These are lovely pages Debby. Have fun with the wallpaper!

  15. Oh girl!! You rock at making these layouts!! They're all just gorgeous girl!! TFS! HUGS

  16. Debbie your layout are grand I love them all especially the last one the sentiment choked me up... Beth

  17. gorgeous layouts debby ~wonderful keepsakes.
    give yourself a big hug!.. and a coffee and a bit of choc cake!!
    vanessa xx

  18. What a beautiful lay-outs Debby.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  19. Lovely layouts Debby
    I love the stitching on the first and the stunning font on the second.
    Sorry to hear about your friend.

  20. Wow, you are the best, they are fabulous! Hugs Nilla

  21. Debby, your layouts are beautiful! Such gorgeous DP and beautiful pictures as well. Take it easy there and I hope that you are feeling a lot better today!

  22. You might not be too happy with that third LO, but there's a lot of love and emotion in that photo and it really caught my attention.


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