
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A little Candy

Now closed
Waiting for Mr Linky to reappear.

14 posts ago I posted my 1000 post, when I started in the July 2006 it was the thing to do and it was about this time I had to give up work but Mr Blogger didn't like me and wouldn't post photos.
So it wasnt' till November that year that I really started properly to blog especially as DD was working in the US and finally Mr Blogger allowed me to post photos for her to see.
So since my blog counter wiped out 2/3 of my hits and I deleted it I thought I'll give a little candy but my Postman had a week away from his round and his replacement decided if it wasn't an envelope he wasn't going to post it and over a week later the missing small parcel arrived has we was leaving for MIL.
So finally here's a couple of Mo's Manning stamps and I'm sure I can find some ribbon and flowers to add to them. So lets hope I've managed to make Mr Linky to work. I draw it on the 2nd January after I've had a day to get over the night before.

All New Posts see Below


  1. Congratulations Debby
    what a lovely gesture its very kind I love visiting your blog you give me so much inspiration.
    Merry christmas
    Tracy x

  2. Very nice stamps. Thanks for this good candy. I linked it on sidebar. Congratulations with your 1000th post !!!!

  3. That's a lot of blogging Debby, here's to your next 1000 posts!Thank you for offering this adorable candy.
    Clare x

  4. Hi Debby, THanks for the chance to win such lovely stamps.

    HUGS, Anneke

  5. Oh bigs hugs for sharing your beautiful work for so long!!! Love what you do.

  6. That is quite a lot of trials and tribulations to get these stamps and now you're giving them away?!?!?! Kidding. Would love to win some Mo's!!!
    Seasons Greetings and congratulations on 1000 + posts!!

  7. Aw they are so sweet - dont you just love some of those posties??? Thanks for the chance to win


  8. Gorgeous candy Debby, thanks for the chance to win. I'm so pleased you battled Mr Blogger and carried on with your blog, all your cards are beautiful, a pleasure to look at
    hugs Mandy xx

  9. Congrats on reaching your 1000 post Debby!
    Fab candy....I love Mo's images!
    Helen x

  10. Oooh... Lovely stamps!! Someone, somewhere is going to to very happy with the lovely candy! I can only dream it's me! :)

    Sweet greetings, Saskia :)

  11. Congratulations Debby!!!

  12. Ooooh wow Debby, thanks for the oppertunity to win these gorgous stamps, so now Mo's digi's are in real stamps too!!!!!!! So cute!!!
    with Love,

  13. Hi, Debby!Congratulations with your 1000th post !!!! What a sweet Candy!I added a link to the sidebar
    Thank you so much for the chance to take part!!!

    Greetings from Russia,
    Ukka xx

  14. Hiya Debby many congrats on ALL those to visit & gleen inspiration from you many thanks for the chance to win these fabby stamps..Merry Christmas & best wishes for 2010.

    Hugs Christine xx

  15. Oh Debby I don't have any Mo Manning and these are gorgeous, fingers crossed. Thanks for a chance to win.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  16. Congrats on all those hits! Your blog is so inspirational Debby,I love your work! Thanks for a chance at these beautiful stamps!!

  17. Gorgeous Mo stamps Debby - thanks for the chance to win! And congrats on so many posts - keep them coming as I LOVE to visit your blog!
    Hugs, Danielle

  18. Congratulations Debby. As I've said before, yours is the first blog I check each morning to see what you've been up to. Sweet candy, thanks for the change to win.
    Jo xx

  19. What a lot of posts.....and lovely candy.Thanks so much.

  20. hi Debby,

    Thanks so much for the offer of winning these gorgeous stamps! hugs juls

  21. Well Debby it was a good day for crafters /cardmakers when you started to share your amazing work. You know I love everything you do and I'm so happy your a part of my challenge. Good luck in all your future crafting and a happy Christmas from me. Those stamps are gorgeous.
    jane x

  22. Congratulations Debby. I have some way to go yet as I've only been blogging 6 months. Thanks for the chance to win. I've linked on my sidebar. I have candy too if you would like the chance to win rather than give away for a change. Marianne x

  23. Congratulations and thanks for the chance to win! I will link it in my side bar :)

  24. Congrats on your 1000th-love and admire your work. xx Mary G

  25. Wow a generous giveaway and thank you for the wonderful inspiration that you have provided over the last year to me!

  26. Thank you for the chance to win such a beautiful candy… I posted your candy on my sidebar.
    Hugs Anett

  27. Congrats Debby. Sounds like not such a nice sub postman. Glad your regular postman is a nice guy. Love your blog I'm so happy you kept at it. Thanks for a chance at this great blog candy.

  28. Debby!!! Thanks for the chance to win this lovelsy stamps!

    Hugs from Spain


  29. Gorgeous stamps, sorry to hear about the hassle you've had recently! Mr linkie is working but I just thoguht I woul;d leave a comment here just incase! Will pop a pic of ur candy in my sidebar :) xxx

  30. Congratulations Debby with your 1000th post !!!!!
    Very nice and so lovely stamps. Thanks for this sweet candy and for the chance to win such lovely stamps.
    hugs Ula X

  31. Debby congrats with your 1000 posts. I started blogging the same year as you, but in January and I also recall how difficult it was to upload photos ... it took for ages and that is if we were allowed by Mr Blogger. So I guess we can congratulate all the gurus behind Blogger. Thanks also for being so sharing with your candy.
    Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed festive season.

  32. Fabulous candy Debby, love the stamps! Thanks for the chance to win x

    Jenny x

  33. Thanks for the chance to win the lovely stamps. Congrats and I love visiting your blog to see your lovely cards.
    Diane x

  34. I've just found you, love your cards!! Really like the Christmas polar bear, WOJ Santa's, Tilda, well this list could get long! And you are giving away 2 of my favorite MO's stamps! This must be my lucky day. There is only one problem, I don't have a blog. So I'll use Mr. Linky with your url. If this disqualifies me, oh well. I'm still happy that I found you! So very glad that you kept fighting Mr. Blogger till you won. Congrats on your 1000+ posts!
    Thanks for the chance at 2 marvelous Mo's. Merry Christmas

  35. Congratulations on 1000 posts!
    And thank you very much for the chance to win this very lovely candy.


  36. Congratulations! and thank you for the chance to win this lovely candy! I don't have my own blog, but you're on my list of favorites.Everyday I look for your beautiful creations! Keep going on!

  37. This stamps are so cute! Would love to win some Mo's!!!
    Congratulations with your 1000th post!!! WOW!

  38. Great Candy, Debby!!!
    Congrats on reaching 1000 post! That´s fabulous!

  39. congratulations on all your hits Debby, your cards are stunning I love to sit and drool over them hugs Jill xx

  40. A thousand posts - wow! Debby I always love to visit your blog and look at your work, here's to the next 1,000 posts :)

  41. Hi Debby,
    What an amazing milestone to reach. Your blog is one of the best I have come across & always such a pleasure to visit. Your talent makes for great inspiration. Here's another 1000 posts & many more!
    Lisa :-)

  42. Congrats Debby. I am so pleased you have made so many posts, your work is so inspiring. What a lovely generous way of you to start the New Year.

    Happy Christmas

  43. congrats to you thanks for the chance to win..wishing you happy holidays

  44. Very nice stamps! Thanks for this good candy! I linked it on sidebar Congratulations with your 1000th post !!!!

  45. Congrats!
    These stamps are so cute - thanks for the chance to win.
    Merry Christmas
    Anne :-)

  46. Huge congratulations Debby, thanks for chance to win.

  47. Thank you for visiting my blog, I just became a folower of yours.
    Tanks for the chance to win your blogcandy.
    Hugs José

  48. Hi Debby,

    congratulations with your 1000th post and what a nice candy ;-)
    Hereby I want to wish you happy holidays, a merry Christmas and a creative and healthy 2010!

    A big mice-fan ;-)

    Lins x

  49. Thanks for this good stamps for the candy.. Merry Christmas to you, Debby...

  50. Hi Debby~~ came upon your blog from Simon Says. Wow your work is stunningly gorgeous!! Am going to follow you :D Linked your candy on my sidebar :)
    Blessings and thanks
    Mary Lou

  51. Oohh these stamps are just gorgeous Debby ! :-) I will have to buy these if I am not lucky enough to win them ;-) lol !!

    Lols x x x

  52. Love these stamps, thanks for your generous gesture.

    Have a GREAT Christmas

    Judi xx

  53. Hi Debby,
    Congratulations with so many posts!
    What a lovely candy!I put a picture with a link to your candy on my sidebar.
    Thanks for the chance to win this great candy!
    Hugs, Anne-Marije

  54. Hi Debby, thanks for the chance to win the lovely candy and thanks for all the inspiration you provide to everyone too! Have a fabby Christmas!

    Hugs, Brenda

  55. Now that's A LOT of posting! Congratulations!!! Just found your blog and enjoying your work! Love Mo's images, thanks for the offering.

  56. Congratulations,Very nice stamps, Thank you foroffering this adorable candy.

  57. Very nice stamps!!!!!!! Congra!!!! Happy new year!!!

  58. Congratulations on your 1000th post Debby :)

    Thanks for the chance to win these gorgeous MM stamps - very kind of you :)

    Carol x

  59. Gorgeous stamps Debby, congrats on so many posts. Will link you in my side bar. Judith x

  60. Debby ~ Your blois to die for!! I love your work!!! I have been a follower for some time and would love if you would hop on over and follow along with me as well! :) Your crafty cards are always so clean and so much fun!! Just love to see all of your new cards when you post!!!
    Thank you fo rthe op to enter to win!
    Queen La Rubba

  61. Congrats on all of your blog hits! Your work is inspiring! laura j

  62. Congratulations Debby, that quite an achievement! Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations with us - it is always a pleasure to stop by and visit with a coffee (of course!).

  63. Well done - Hopefully I'll get to make as many as you did lol xx

  64. thank you very much for the chance!!

  65. Hi Debby! This is fabulous as I'd just LOVE to have a couple of Mo's actual stamps!! For some reason I can't use my copics on digital downloads... just smears no matter what I do. So these stamps would solve that issue!!

  66. Congrats!! Your cards are beautiful!! I Love your coloring. I've added your candy on the sidebar of my blog.

  67. Cute stamps. And congratulations.

  68. Congrats Debby! Thanks for the chance at some adorable stamps.

  69. Congratulations Debby! I just came across your blog (ABC challenge). Later today I will take a closer look at your work of art!
    Thanks for a chance to win these gorgeous stamps.

  70. hello and congrats!
    Thanks for the chance to win these cute stamps!

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