
Friday, November 27, 2009

Mimi's Friday

Fed up with PB mice, well here's Ice Skating Mimi from Pink Gem designs instead and I've had another go at an Easel card. It's such pity these Kaiser papers don't seem to photo well they look so much better in real life. The snowflakes have been diamond dusted and the sentiment is Penny Black I saw it on some's blog and I just had to have it.

Here's a slighty better view of Mimi

Yes I know it's more Mice, this time I've use this week Mojo Monday sketch, using various papers, oh and maybe they could be my new Martha Stewart Snowflake Punches, it's a good job my Sis is too busy to go craft shopping cos I've spent most of my craft pennies.
I'm afraid its not the last of the Mice, there's another batch waiting for the stickles to dry!!!!!!!!!


  1. Lol Debby, I ordered myself one of those mice stamps last night thanks to you lol!!! I cant wait for it to arrive!.

    These are gorgeous cards, love the detail on your easel card.

  2. All gorgeous! Again fantastic coloring and love the papers! Hugs Nilla

  3. Lovely cards. I love the mice, they're so sweet, and the snowflakes on your 1st card are gorgeous - the sparkle looks fab! Lisa x

  4. Mimi looks gorgeous on this easel card Debby and those papers are so sweet!
    Well, we couldn't have a post without SOME mice could we? lol!

  5. oooh these cards are gorgeous love the image of the mouse and your first card is awesome

    hugs Annemarie

  6. Hi Debby, Mimi looks fantastic, I love the papers and what youve done with her, and I dont mind the mice cards they are gorgeous. Well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  7. Sweet image and a beautiful card! The mice are as cute as always ;)
    xoxo Anita

  8. Beautiful cards Debby, I love the easel card and I agree the sentiment is gorgeous. I love the PB mice anyway and you always make such fantastic cards with them so I shall eagerly await the rest! The sketch you've used is great I think I'll have to try that one. Have a great day, take care Ann-Marie xxx

  9. Mimi is adorable, love how you used the easel card. and keep those mice coming, I don't think I'll ever get fed up with your beautiful designs..

  10. Oh Hun Mimi looks fab but I really cannot get enough of these fabulous little mice, I just love them on the blue papers never get fed up of looking at them. Thanks for the advice re Sky, I am going to try to grt an areial today
    Hugs Jacqui x

  11. Gorgeous cards Debby!! xx

  12. All your cards are fantastic, Debby!
    I love them all.


  13. Love Mimi on the easel card - so beautifully done! And the sentiment is awesome too - gets you singing the song (lol)!!! Keep bringing on the mice - love them!!
    Hugs, Danielle

  14. Ohhh, what a sweet and wonderful cards!!!
    Beautiful colours and cute image.
    Hugs Trudy

  15. Wow Debby, Mimi is just gorgeous!!, I really love the soft colour combo on here just adorable!.
    And those little mices are just sooo cute :-).
    Sheila xx

  16. Hi Debby,
    These are great. the mice are gorgeous and I love the blues but Mimi is my favourite. Beautiful colours and papers, wonderful colouring - just charming.
    Fiona x

  17. So super cute Debby. Just lovely and I love that twinkly snowflake - beautiful. Kim

  18. Beautiful card, love those pretty colours too!! I think I may "need" on of those sentiment stamps too??
    Those mice just keep on breeding!! beautiful as always though,
    hugs Angela x

  19. Hi, Debby :)

    Wonderful cards you have made, I love the colours!!

    Hugs from Nina

  20. Fabulous Deb just love those snow flakes and no i dont get fed up with your mice, your cards you make are sooo cute!!

    Hugs Di xxxx

  21. You can never have too many mice I say. Mimi is lovely. Love the colours. I've left you something Here Marianne x

  22. See that you've been very busy. Very beautiful cards!

  23. What a beautiful cards Debby,i love the images and colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.x

  24. Debby your cards are amazing just love visiting your blog.

  25. Mimi is so pretty and the papers too, I'd never get bored of seeing your mice cards, they are always so perfectly coloured and decoupaged :) Donna x

  26. Two gorgeous cards, of course you can't fail with the mice and the easel card is terrific.
    Beryl xx

  27. Oh these are wonderful, your first card is so pretty beautiful colours and image

  28. I love her she looks gorgeous in these colours, perfect card hun and i love the second one too you have been busy, have a great weekend hugs pops x

  29. Gorgeous cards Debby! I love those mice...and the papers on your easel card are fab!
    Helen x

    PS...I think you can blame that sentiemnt stamp on's one of my favourites! lol

  30. Very cute cards :) I like your take on the mojo monday sketch, the bow looks soo cute

  31. Gorgeous cards, Debby:O) Love the great designs, pretty papers and cute images. Your colouring is awesome.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Nancy;O)

  32. Wow Debby...they are wonderfull!


  33. Your Mimi is so pretty!!! So is the little mice!!!! Love your icicle border,I bought it last week but yet haven't used it. Been busy redoing my room and then got the call,so i haven't made anything at all. Maybe this weekend.
    Have a super weekend Debby!

  34. Fab cards, love the colours of the Mimi card. My Fave of the mice is the one with the doodlebug winter askterisks! One of my favourite papers!

  35. gorgeous cards Debby, I love the papers and of course those cute little PB mice hugs Jill xx

  36. I have a PB mouse (Clear) stamp but haven't used him yet, he's stamped up, just not coloured in yet. I love the layout of your little micey cards, may just have to use them as inspiration!

  37. what a beautiful collection!! Hugs Juls

  38. Oh wow!!! I love your easel card,but then again I love all your cards,lol!
    The papers are so beautiful and Mimi is simply adorable!!


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