
Friday, August 21, 2009

Clown Travel

The Crooked photographer is back, well it looks a bit crooked. Travel is the challenge on A Spoonful of Sugar, so had a bit of search and found this chap. Its a Whipper Snapper stamp but its a bit too large for a normal square card so this is A5 card or at least I think thats what you call basically is A4 folded in half. The papers are Pebbles Lil' Miss collections and I used the fab sketch from Stamp with fun but I was really stuck for embellishments, nothing seem to work so I just punched out a large flower and used the swirl punch for the stem.
Next year my Birthday is one of those with a 0 in it and my son whats to take us on Holiday and where would I really want to go. I've always wanted to see the Grand Canyon and the best way is by Helicopter, so it looks like this is what we're going to do. so at what point should I tell him I don't fly too well. Since we've been talking about it, there's a plan that we should see a show at Las Vegas and spend some time Los Angles perhaps a few days at Santa Monica but things are still in the planning stage.


  1. Oh Debby what a fun card, love the image and the colouring and papers really make it stunning. Well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

  2. That image is adorable, so much that I've popped over to Whippersnapper to have a look. Stunning card. Hugs, Wendy x

  3. Such a bright, cheery card - love your flower with the swirly stalk!
    Love, Andrea xx

  4. Debby, wow this is just such a happy card! I love the bright colors and your wonderful 3d effect really makes this little car pop. Cute flower for this card too. Hugs, Dena

  5. just gorgeous!! Love the dimention of this card!

  6. Oh wow Debbie - sounds like an amazing trip you have to look forward to!! I absolutely love this little guy in his clown car and you've made such a lovely card with him. Lol Lynn ♥

  7. Hi,
    I just adore this card.. I'm just getting to like these cuties..

    Lynn xx

  8. Aaaawww he' s absolutely gorjus. Love the papers too. I think it's a fab size.

    Love Karen x

  9. This is such a fun card! I love the cute little clow stamp and the papers are perfect for it!

    Beth xx

  10. This is fabulous Debby,The image is such a cutie,thanks for playing along with ASFOS this week,Hugs Debbie x

  11. Oh this is so cute. Love the colours. Start saving your pennies (or should that be dolllars?) as the craft shops in America ar HUGE and everything is cheaper there too. I llok forward to hearing more about your hol. Marianne x

  12. Another fabulous card Debby - the clown is so cute! Perfect colours and I love how you did the flower and stem - awesome creation!
    Hugs, Danielle

  13. Oh Debby, Debby, my friend!! This is just sooo adorable!! I've not a seen a cuter clown than THIS one!! ;) Sooo lovely dear!! TFS!

  14. Nice card.. like the flower on the left!
    xxxx Marley

  15. Such a lovely image debby a wonderful card as always x

  16. Wonderful card Debby. I love the flower - it looks like it's going to squirt water at you!
    Have a great weekend.
    clare x

  17. Lovely card and nice stamp!!
    The colours are just fabulous
    I love this card.

    Greetings Jannie

  18. I love this cheerful card! Perfect Caroline x

  19. What a beautiful card Debby,i love the image and colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.x

  20. Debby i just love this card - the colours, the 3D effect - everything. Keep it up girl

  21. Hi Debby,
    What a great little car. I love the colouring and the little hearts coming out of the exhaust.
    Fiona x

  22. This is such a fun card!
    Helen x

  23. Oh that is too cute!!!
    You must see the Grand Canyon in from helicopter,we did the tour and if we ever go again,which I would love,I want to take the helicopter ride. It's beautiful,you'll enjoy it!!!!

  24. I love your card it's just such a gorgeous combi the way you have put it together.
    I am not a great lover of clown's but he is lovely in his little car I really like him

  25. Fantastic card Debby, love the design. Hugs x

  26. You have been a busy girl! So cute!

  27. Hehe, very lovely card!!! The paper you use is fantastic!!


  28. Hi Debby
    My name is Grace and I am 12 years old. I started a blog on Thursday and found you through Sarah Horne. I have added you to my favourite blogs list!
    Love this card I like all the colours you have used


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