
Friday, April 03, 2009

Truly Distressing

What a mess I made distressing which is the challenge on Whiff of Joy, anything that had an edge I distress unfortunately my inkpad fell apart and rather than waste it I used the pad with my fingers which are now very blue and guess what it doesn't come off that easily either. I've used BG Marrakesh and Truly Scrumptious sketch but I couldn't decide whether to have the tatty flowers underneath the oval or above. They started above but I think I'll leave below.

Yesterday just wasn't a fun day, first Hubby wanted our main meal lunchtime, fine I thought, just bung something in the oven. It didn't help that the oven was stone cold when I went to put something in and after half an hour it still was cold, looks like an expensive purchase coming up.

Then I had a rather odd automaton phone call from my Credit card service asking if I was me and wanted to know my date of birth, at that point I panicked and put the phone down, decided to ring Credit card but the electronic person wouldn't cut off so had to use a mobile. Anyway to cut a long story short some little **** has tried to buy a phone using my credit card and my account has been frozen and new cards are being sent out to me. So I'm without a credit card and I'm going to a craft Shop tomorrow.


  1. wowww Debby,what a beautiful card,l love the stamp.

    hugs Riet.x

  2. Hi Debby,
    Love the card and all the distressing,(on the card not your oven and card distress) I prefer the lush tatty flowers behind the image. looks great both ways though. Hope that you get your new card soon. and that you can still have fun craft shopping. It's worrying how these horrid people get all our details. you were so lucky that they put a stop to his/her antics.
    Try and enjoy your weekend hun.

  3. wow great card and i think underneath is better dan above just right you said

    hugs annmearie

  4. lovely card,love the papers, sorry to hear your having such a bad week.

  5. A fantastic card and your distressing looks great - even if you do have blue fingers !

    So sorry to hear about your credit card and I hope you get it all sorted out soon, there are some $%&^*"!£$ in this World aren't there ?

    Take care and I hope you manage to get your goodies from your craft shop.


    Jo x

  6. Great card I have just ordered these papers arn't they lush and yes you are right the flowers over not under!! Sue :o)

  7. Yes Debby Ive had a similar experience this week, my credit card has been cloned and someone tried to make a expensive (£1400) item on the internet, luckily they stopped it, so Im waiting for a new card to come through, a real pain. Anyway whatever happened with the cooker your card has turned out brilliantly, I love what youve done to it, well done and good luck, love and hugs Shirleyx

  8. Fabulous 'boy' card Debby and a great take on the sketch. Me thinks your 'tatty' flowers look much better underneath.
    Re your CC/bank problem - I had a similar call a couple of days ago.
    I phoned my bank to notify them - they already knew and told me there are a lot of 'scams' taking place at the moment - eeekkk....
    hugs Heather xx

  9. Fab card Debby. Love those papers and the circle 'flowers'. Oakley is coloured beautifully too.
    Cathy xx

  10. Gorgeous card, love teh image and colours! Hugs, Moni

  11. Hiya Debby, this is an awesome male card, love the colours, love the image your colouring is absolutely gorgeous. Joey.x

  12. Such a sweet card Debby! The paper is just gorgeous and your image is perfect! Love those flowers too - so pretty!
    Good luck shopping tomorrow - sorry to hear of your credit cards! :(
    Hugs, Danielle

  13. Oh no Debby!!! What a bummer - thieving little !"£$%^&(*&(*()&

    Hope you get it sorted out quickly.


  14. On no Debby - not you too! at least I got things sorted out with paypal and I hope you get your new cards through pdq. There is just too much of it about at the moment. Great card btw, and love the distressed flowers and bright blue colour. hugs, annie x

  15. Gorgeous card! Love all thos bright tones of blue! me I love all the distressing..such texture!! The whole credit card thing happened to me a few weeks ago..took lots of money from my account> Bank very good about it and replaced it all immediately!Shame they can't buy you a new oven!
    Judy xx

  16. Love this card Debby, those papers are gorgeous.
    Sorry to hear about your creditcard. Hope it all gets sorted out.

    xx Naoual

  17. amazing "blue" card debby ~just perfect ~guess there will be a few more blue cards over the next few days!!
    so sorry to hear about your credit card ~there are some ********* out there aren`t there??
    hope you get to do some craft shopping done
    vanessa xx

  18. Gorgeous card Debby. Love the image and the colours you've used. Thanks for joining us this week at TS. Michele x

  19. Beautiful bright card Debby. :) OMG about the credit card!! Hope you have a better day tomorrow.


  20. Debby your cards are beautiful, but I'm so sorry to hear about the other rotten things!! Hugs!!!!

  21. This is such a gorgeous card Debby!! I really love the blues with this image!! HE's just darling!! :) TFS!

  22. Really beautiful card! :) liked the colors and the sketch! :)

  23. Scrummy card, sweetie! If I had to pick then I would choose behind the image, but both look good too!

    As for your oven, tut, send it to bed with no tea, bad oven and I'm sorry to hear about yor credit card, thats rotten luck, sweetie, hope you get sorted. Have fun at your craft shop!
    Hugs Tab xxx

  24. aww Debby, I don't know how the people sleep at night. Hope it gets sorted out soon. Gorgeous card love the distressing it's looks wonderful hugs Jill x

  25. wow, this card is beautiful!!

  26. Oh Debby dear this people ahould have their hands cut off like they used to do to theives, it just makes you so scared to use your card now. I hope you get it all sorted and to have to go craft shopping without your card a nghtmare.
    I love the card BTW, But as still seething about how these awful people think they can do this to us.
    Hugs Hun
    Jacqui x

  27. What a lovely boys card this was! Loved the colors and every thing!


  28. Absolutely breathtaking! Love it!

  29. Hi Debby, sorry to hear you're having such a bad day with everything going wrong, hope the weekend is much better for you. Love your card, the colors are great.

  30. Hi Debby! Love your card, blue fingers were worth it! I agree, I prefer your tatty (nice tatty that is) flowers under the image, but either way looks fab!
    Sorry to hear about your credit card, you can't be too careful! Hope your craft shopping doesn't suffer too much as a result x

  31. This is gorgeous Debby, I love your distressed flowers. Sorry to hear things have been stressful recently, I hope everything gets sorted quickly for you. Thanks for joining in the TS challenge.

  32. Check to see if the thermostat hasn't come unplugged at the back of the cooker if it's electric coz that's what happened to mine.
    Must have been really embarrassing with the credit card palaver, lol.

    Great card by the way!!!

    Love Roz

  33. Hiya

    Whee I love your card and image and of course the BG papers.

    Sorry to hear about the card business - my mum had over £4000 spent on hers - she got it all sorted though..

  34. Fabulous card, super colouring.
    Hope your credit card arrives's a must for craft shopping LOL.
    Carole x

  35. Such a cute card for a boy!!! I actually need one of those this weekend!!! lol I love the papers you used too, some of my favorites!!! Awesome job with this challenge!!! Thanks for playing in the TS challenge!!!!


  36. Oh man, the same thing happened to my Dad last week. Someone was trying to have a shopping spree at an electronics store when they phoned my Dad.

    Your card is awesome though:-)

    Hugs, Kelly

  37. Hopefully your oven can get fixed soon... When mine broke, cost us $1,000 of dollars...hey had to re-do the entire kitchen to make the new stove and glad they were able to catch the credit card fraud..annoying at the moment, but well worth it in the end..

    After all that, love the card..

  38. Love this card Debby, the colours are so rich. Really like your flower circles too.

    What a nightmare time you are having at the moment? Hope you get your cards sorted quickly. My oven recently broke, as did the fridge freezer and both have only just been replaced. It is an absolute pain in the rear and I have massive sympathy for you! ~♥~

  39. Oh no! What a nightmare day! I hope you managed to get some crafty shopping done anyway (where there's a will, there's a way!!)
    Gorgeous card! The papers are fab and I love the distressed flowers! Thanks for joining in with the Truly Scrumptious challenge!
    Beth xx

  40. Thank goodness you didn't give out your DOB, hope it all gets sorted very soon.
    Stunning card, I love it!
    Hugs x

  41. O dear, you are having a bit of a bad time, your card is great though, I'm always impressed with all your cutting out and layering. I actually prefer the version with the flowers above.

  42. Debby this card is fabulous - i love the blue and the distressing! Fab distresed flowers too - great design
    love tasha xx

  43. fab card i struggle with boys cards this is inspirational


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