
Monday, February 02, 2009

We have SNOW

I've taken these photos about 10 minutes ago, the Patio table show how deep its snowed, haven't seen it this bad for 22 years. My DD won't forget her Birthday this year. Back later with a card.


  1. wow!
    Debbie that is some impressive snow kids would love that .. ours was pretty pathetic..just a covering..
    i love the snow from the inside looking out..till it gets all trodden on, it doesn't look so pretty then..
    wrap up warm hun. Hugs Rachxx

  2. I think you have a teeny bit more than we do Debby, what a shocker, we haven't had this much for years! Chris x

  3. Wow! you lucky thing...I think we have all of about 2mm here in Northampton, its not fair, I want Snow!!!

  4. Thats some snow! :o Wish we had that that much by me as i lok the stuff - especially the bit where you can't get to work. Have a happy crafting day !

  5. WOW you've had a lot of snow over in England. Haven't seen it like that in a long time. Michele x

  6. Great card Debby:)
    Lovely snow photos, not much here in Bristol :(

  7. Southampton looked pretty impressive too! Although, I have to admit, I wasn't quite so excited when we span across the end of our road sideways....! ~x~

  8. Blimey Debby, your part of Kent must have got our share! It's not nearly that thick here in Tonbridge.

  9. I remember that snow 22 years ago, it is our son's 22nd birthday today!!!

  10. What a lovely surprise for you all down in the South East. I'm in the Midlands and its still snowing now but not as deep yet as you have it. I'm too scared to go out in the car so think I will curl up in front of the wood burner!

    Jayne xx

  11. wow what a great white field for all the children to play in i am amazed can't ever remember snow being that deep ours is only a third of that at the minute, enjoy
    Debra xx

  12. That is some serious snow!! What I would've given to see that amount when I woke up this morning as I definitely wouldn't have been able to make it to work!
    xx :0)

  13. Wow, now that's snow! You should see the pathetic attempt up here, think you got our share LOL keep warm, Fran x

  14. Brrrrr ... its really frosty on your side of the world. The snow pics are gorgeous. Can't believe we are melting of the heat here in Johannesburg and you are freezing ... strange planet we live on. Hugs from Desire

  15. *wow*

    wonderful pitures..

  16. Blimey you had a lot of snow there!! Hope you managed to keep warm!

  17. you did get lots! we had a gentle covering this morning but this afternoon it rained so washed away. mind you, now it is hailing so tomorrow will be rather slippy! hugs, annie x


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