
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Shattered Sunday

Look at this, you could have knocked me down with a feather when Tamara asked me and then promptly got flu. But I knew I wanted to use my fab bird stamp that I got from Ally Pally from Dimension Fourth (I think thats what they called) I just love play with the feathers to make them pop. Tamara has some fab sketches and not just for cards, I've recently printed of some Scrapbooking sketches for a secret project I'm doing to help me be a faster scrapper.

These two cards were with Tamara's latest card sketch and because Hubby asked for a couple of more Xmas cards and wanted them yesterday so they had to be quick cards.

I was so glad that yesterday I was well enough to go the Every Moment Matters all day crop but I'm feeling shattered this morning but I managed a few scrapbook pages for the secret project that I can't show till well into the New Year.
There's chaos in my house because we've had new worktops put into the kitchen and because of the weather all the cutting had to be done in the house. There's dust everywhere and it all needs a good clean added to the fact the plumber forgot he had to come and fix in the new sink and he's best friend is none too pleased with him and of course it wouldn't be a simple job, not in my house so the chippie couldn't fix the sink himself. But I really pleased with the new counters they look fab.


  1. aww Debby they are all stunning I love the way you put your colours and cards together absolutely gorgeous, hope you get the sink sorted out soon hun hugs Jill xx

  2. Oh Debbie they are all amazing your work is always awesome and I am sure it is because you take so much trouble over the little things on your card, it really shows that you put love in to each card you make
    Hugs Jacqui x

  3. more fabulous cards! I love the feathers on the bird, they really pop! hugs, annie x

  4. Wow Debby 3 gorgeous cards hun, they are all fab, i can't pick a favourite. Hugs Linda x

  5. Wow these cards are stunning!

  6. Congrats on your GD spot Debbie it is well deserved as you always make such fantastic cards. These ones are all beautiful, I love the bird.
    Hugs Lynsey :)

  7. oh hon I hope you get to feeling better soon. But the cards you have shown us here are just gorgeous dear. I just love them such gorgeous work as always dear

  8. three amazing cards ~and so very different ~gorgeous debby!!
    vanessa xx

  9. Beautiful cards Debby, I love the colour combo on the first card and the bird is fab

  10. These cards are awesome Debbie all beautiful in different ways. xx

  11. Really lovely cards, the birds feathers are super. Hope you get your house back to normal again soon!
    Carole x

  12. That bird is amazing! and the others are fab too, it's good to see you over at Sketches! hope you'll be a regular visitor now ;D

    Carol x

  13. wonderful cards!

  14. Fab cards as always Debby!
    Hope you feel lots better very soon! xx

  15. These card creations are gorgeous. I agree, sketches is such a big help to get that mojo going. Glad you like your new kitchen tops ... what about a pic or two of them. Hugs from Desire

  16. WoW! You´ve been busy. Gorgeous cards.
    x Natasha x

  17. Gorgeous cards Debby, so much great detail on all of them. Hugs Nikki x

  18. Gorgeous cards Debby, so beautifully put together as always.
    Glad to hear your'e feeling better and I hope you get your new sink plumbed in soon...mind you no washing up...umm ;) Debbie x

  19. Congrats on being chosen but no surprise, your stuff is fantastic!

  20. These are fabulous. Great work!

  21. Beautiful cards, Debbie!
    I love the colour combo!
    Take care!
    Hugs Gisela

  22. Wjat beautiful cards. Love the middle one with the BasicGrey Wassail the most. Thanks for sharing! Love, Clare x

  23. More amazing cards Debby - I wish I could do quick cards that turned out like yours - they are brilliant hun.

    hugs Bevx

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