
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Penny Black Thursday

The lovely Beth has made a sketch to use for the Penny Black Challenge and I'm still thinking cards for my Nephew so out came this chap with his friends and some Dovecraft papers I think the packet has long since disappeared. I wish now I hadn't used the glossy accents ontop of the bottletop and left it matt but I think its still OK

Now just in case you're disappointed that there is no Christmas cards, here is couple of gorgeous cards sent to me.

The first is from the lovely Caz and I can tell you, her colouring with those markers is perfect and theres a lovely shimmer highlights which the camera doesn't pick up.

Then from Tricia, this fabulous snowman isn't he cute.

I try not to moan too much on my blog, who wants to listen to my tales of woe but I'm so fed up with lurgy, on Monday I thought I had finally turned the corner but by Tuesday I was feeling yuck again and I'm not convinced its the same lurgy.


  1. fabulous cards Debby
    sorry to hear that you are feeling unwell again. hope that you can shake it before christmas. hugs rachxx

  2. Great cards there Debbie. Seems there is a lot of lurgys going round my two youngest have the sickness and diarrohea bug. Not nice :0(
    Thank you for the congrats x

  3. fab card for the sketch Debby and love that cute image - thanks for playing along this week at PBSC

  4. such a cute PB image on your card - must get me some cows! hugs, annie x

  5. Love the PB card Debby, it's fab! You received 2 gorgeous Christmas cards too, lucky you!
    You can moan about the lurgy to me love, I can't shift mine either!! GET WELL SOON! xx

  6. Wonderful job on the challenge!! Luck you to receive such beautiful cards!!!

  7. Beautiful cards Debby, I especially love the lilac and pink, it is gorgeous. Sorry to hear you are ill, I hope you'll be feeling better soon

  8. Wow.. 3 wonderful cards with fantastic colouring!
    Hugs Gisela

  9. Debby, so sorry you're still feeling rotten. You poor dear!! Maybe you should tuck yourself in and sleep til Christmas!! :)

    Feel better soon!


  10. Great Cow Card I love these cows, they do make me laugh, and as usual beautifully executed
    Thanks for the card dear
    Hugs Jacqui x

  11. I love that cow on a bike! Haven't seen that image before. Such a fun card
    Enfys x

  12. This is a great fun birthday card Debby and brilliant for the sketch - love that cow image and your background papers. . Thanks for joining in the PBSC this week, and hope you're soon feeling better
    Pauline x

  13. Hi debby,

    3 beautifull cards again.
    i love the pretty papers and sweet images you've used.

    xoxo Karin

  14. Gorgeous card Debby, love the papers with the image, and what pretty cards you've received too! Hoping you feel better soon!
    Love Becky xx

  15. What a fab card and a fun image!! Gorgeous Christmas cards you've received too.

  16. Love the cards Debby, so beautiful! Hope you feel better soon! :0) Tab xxx

  17. These are all gorgeous cards hun, you have been really busy. Sorry not been by before now. Hugs Lindax

  18. Fantastic card Debby! The papers and stamp are so fab! Thanks for joining in with my sketch! xx

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