
Friday, October 31, 2008

Frightening Friday

Yesterday I was making pumkins and spiders on my Cricut for DD because I still not feeling very crafty.

On my blog hop I noticed there's some candy going around and you have to show off your craft room when I managed to stop drooling I noticed that they all had something in common. They were TIDY, so I decided to give my room a bit of tidy and a chucking out session, we crafters do hoard some rubbish sometimes.

So I leave you will Feliu book who was over the moon when I gave it to him. If you interested in making one of these cute book its from UKS summer cyber crop 2007, hope the link works


  1. Oh these layouts are gorgeous and I just love those papers which I have used myself. Warm regards

  2. Fabulous book Debby, those papers are fabulous

  3. Me & you both Debby. I've not got the excuse of coming back from hols but don't seem to have the 'umph' this week either! Love the book. Well done for tidying up. Wanna do mine too?! mine's such a tip I'm scared to start as I know it'll take all day! Have a lovely weekend. xx

  4. Fabulous Deb Iand thanks for the link, never made a book before but really want to have a go
    Hugs Jacqui x

  5. what a lovely scrapbook you have made - love the bright colours. My craft room is far from tidy so I daren't take a picture of it! hugs, annie x

  6. Wow it looks like you have been busy!! Great layouts and gorgeous papers!! :)Kathy

  7. Wow!! Great layouts!!!
    Happy Halloween!!!

  8. I take it you're not referring to my craft space! : ) Fab scrapbook Debby, and lovely photos! xx

  9. Oh, I just love Crate!

    Great memory book!


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