
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Freezing Tuesday

There's nothing like a long break to lose you mojo, I checked out the challenges lots of lovely sketches and sat in my room and wondered where do I start. So I started with this fabulous Sugar Nellie Snowman that was in my blog candy from Gill and found that the latest Ismaki sketch suited him but I don't think I've done him justice, the good news is that he will go through the normal post.

Theses are the last of the handmade Birthday cards, just wanted to say Thank you again for the gorgeous creations I've received.

Another from my Sis above and the lovely Annie's below.

The fabulous one above is from Deb and the one below is from Michelle O, check out Michelle blog especially on Saturday to see the gorgeous photos of the donkeys

The lovely scalloped card above is from Chris and another from my Sis for my hubby.

Stunning hAnglar one is from Monika and the gorgeous WOJ from Fran.


  1. Gorgeous card Debby, love the cute snowman and the wonderful dp. The birthday cards are all gorgeous. Hugs Nikki x

  2. wow fab cards i love them they are so cute i love love love the christmas one at the top

  3. awww wow arent you a lucky girl with them pretty cards =) Love your snowman card, you have done him justice =) xxx

  4. Ohhh freezing Tuesday is right. And cold and wet and plain flippin horrible!!! But this card is just awesome Debbie - I love that image. Is it 3D'd cos it looks so dimensional and I really like that. Awesome colouring as well xxxx

  5. Gorgeous card Debby the colours are beautiful, Hugs Debbie x

  6. Hi honey, long time no see.....miss ya though. Sending big kisses. x

  7. A fab selection of cards Debby.

  8. ouaohhh totues ces cartes ! elles sont toutes superbes
    bizzz Mu

  9. Wow! They are all so beautiful!

  10. Oh wow Debbie, your Xmas creation is beautiful and the colours very festive. The cards you have received are all beautiful and you are fortunate to have so many good friends who care. Warm regards

  11. magnifique!!!

  12. beautiful snowman !!
    kiki from Ismaki :)

  13. That little snowman is so gorgeous. Lucky you having so many beautiful birthday cards too and thanks for sharing them x

  14. Oh I just love your card dear. Such gorgeous papers and beautlful colored dear. Looks like you got lots of birthday cards way to go

  15. Wow,whose a popular girl then! Gorgeous birthday cards. Your snowman card is just fabby, I love the way you have made hime all bright and cheery.

  16. Gorgeous birthday cards, you had so many fab cards. I love your snowman he is so cute and the papers are gorgeous

  17. This christmas card is so fab! I love the mittens paper! Where might I get my grubby mits on that? Also, I know what you mean, whenever I get back from hoilday, my mojo disappears - I don't know why! I don't think you need yours though, your card is great! xx

  18. Fantastic card Debby, cute snowman and your colouring is brill as always. Your birthday cards are all beautiful. Debbie x

  19. fabulous cards
    love all
    so so beautiful !!!!

  20. Tes carres sont magnifiques, Bravo.


  21. de très belles cartes !

  22. Wow what gorgeous birthday days Debby, sorry didn't realize it was your birthday hun, hope you had the best day ever! hugs Linda x

    your card is fabulous too!!!!

  23. Gorgeous cards and the colours are beatiful. Love your snowman card :)

  24. Fantastic work well done hun xxxx


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