
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday 28th

I knew when I coloured this Sugar Nellie Snowman that he was going to be fabulous, I absolutely love him and I've managed a fairly good match with the Christmas papers left over from last year. The snowflakes are sizzix and cuttlebug, the snowflake embossing folder and I've used prismacolours pencils and Friday sketchers sketch from Mumur.

I've come to the conclusion there are few too many challenges and I'm struggling because I want to do them all and complete other crafting projects too. So I guess I'm going to have to limit myself to what challenges I do and because I love sketches I think they will get my priority first then if I have time or an idea immediately jumps into my head I will join the others when I can.

This is a timed post because early tomorrow morning I'm off to Ally Pally and my very hangover daughter wants to come too, ( I know she will be hang over because she's out tonight with old school friends who try at least once a year to meet up). I'm going to have be seriously good because I'm broke, two visits to craft shop demos, plus Sugar Nellies and Whiff of Joy releases more stamps on the 4th so I shall be sticky strictly to the shopping list (I hope).


  1. Wow, what more can I say. This is gorgeous, great textures that one just want to touch and feel. Love the focus point i.e. the carrot nose. Warm regards

  2. Debby your Snowman is gorgeous, I love everything about the card - just stunning. xx

  3. Another stunning card! I love the colour scheme and this snowman is pefrect! xx

  4. Wow this is beautiful and I must admit to being tempted by this gorgeous snowman. I went to Exeter craft fair yesterday and I defy any crafter to be good in these places!! Good Luck. Sue :o)

  5. You're absolutely right. These snowmen are so cute. Your've made a fabulous card with him. Hugs Marja

  6. Gorgeous card. Love the image and the papers are fab. Love how you coloured the snowman. Michele x

  7. What a beautiful card. The colours are stunning.

  8. What a great card love the colour combo

  9. Fabulous card. There is so much to look at ont it! I really like this one.

  10. Your card is so beautiful.
    Love all the details and the colors.
    Love the image
    Thank you for taking part in FS challenge

    Hugs from

  11. Stunning Debby your colouring is super and i love those papers too, have a fab time

  12. beautiful card, love the snowman, you have coloured him perfectly and matched the papers so well!

  13. Awesome card! he is adorable and your coloring is great

  14. Isn't he just fabulous and what a great job you jave done of colouring him. I adore this card, love the papers they match perfectly
    Hope you have a good time today
    Hugs Jacqui x

  15. Great card Debby :0)
    Yes you can soon feel overwhelmed with all the different challenges that are on offer.
    **Hugs** Heather x

  16. what a fantastic card you have created and I love your colouring of the snowman with those gorgeous papers. I hope you've had a good time at the show, hugs, annie x

  17. Hi Debby, Love the cute Snowman and the wonderful papers you have used. Hugs Nikki x

  18. This is stunning, I love the texture of it

  19. Love the card, the snowman is way too cute...Thanks for posting a comment on my blog,xxxWendy.

  20. fabulous Debby,love the colouring of your image it looks fabulous. hugs rachxx

  21. You card is fabulous, Debby!!!
    Love colours and details used.
    You have interpreted my sketch beautifully and I am very happy.
    Great card.
    Big hugs, Mumur

  22. Wow this is stunning love this well done xxxx

  23. very beautiful cards !
    It's always a great pleasure visiting your blog !
    with my best regards !

  24. That snowman is adorable Debby, i love him!
    Hope you had a good time at Ally Pally :) couldn't go this time as off to Portugal in a week! but hope to go in the spring
    Enjoy your week!

    Carol x

  25. Wow Debbie! This is just stunning! You have coloured the snowman in beautifully! I so want him! Another one for my wishlist!
    Hugs Lynsey :)

  26. Totally agree with you Debby, your snowman, and whole card, is fabulous. Hope you enjoyed Ally Pally and your wallet didn't take too much of a beating x

  27. this is really pretty, I agree them stamps are gorgeous! I have purchased one myself! So tempted to get this embossing folder, but I got the baubles instead hmmm!
    Love the papaers, I got them from a show a week ago =) Great card! xxx

  28. How fabulous are these sta,ps!!!!! I can see I am going to have to get more of the beggars lol xxx Your colouring is stunning btw. Gorgeous cards xxxx

  29. Beautiful card, fab colours

  30. very pretty card !!!!
    great work !!!!

  31. Oh, he is just an adorable snowman! Beautiful colouring. I've not got mine out of the packet yet!
    Carole ;-)

  32. That snowman is so adorable! A really gorgeous card and brilliant colouring.
    xx :0)

  33. stunning card Debby, I love the image and your fantastic colouring, gorgeous DP and layout It's just fab Jill x

  34. oh wow your card is really wonderful and so fabulous. it looks so pretty and COOL!!!
    hugs, bea

  35. So fabulous card !!! Elle est superbe !!! Love colours

  36. Wow, gorgeous card, he's definately on my wishlist. Love the papers you've used. fab colour scheme! Jillix

  37. Wooow what a gorgeous card. The Snowman is just so cool and coloured perfectly. Love your card.

  38. Wow, again, stunning!
    I have these papers and the embossing folder, I might just take inspiration from you for a card.

    Roz x

  39. Fabulous card. Love the colours, great combination. Gail xx

  40. Oh wow,your card is snow darn cute Deb!!!

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