
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Adorable Tuesday

When I went on the Cuddly Buddly website and saw this robin I knew I had to have him, I think he's so cute. I've used him with the sketch on Sketch Saturday, I've layered the image using nestabilities, the cut out is a flower using Storybook on the cricut and run throught the cuttlebug using swiss dots folder, the snowflakes are using Christmas Cheer and punches and the sentiment is Stamps Away. Not sure about the papers but they're from last year.
I seemed to be running a bit behind on the A-Z journal again so this page will bring me almost up to date. I decided on Queen Bee couldn't think of anything else and when I saw on the Storybook cartridge there's a crown well I had to use it, I've had the gems for ages, the words are Storybook too but the bumble bee is Walk in the Garden. The papers are LilyKate from BG.

Not much happening at the moment just waiting patiently for the new Whiff of Joy stamps designed by Elizabeth Bell that are released tomorrow.


  1. I can see why you had to have that robin...he looks adorable Debby.Your page is all the cut-outs from the different carts..I really must use my cricut more!made me laugh when i read your journalling...
    two fantastic creations...hugs Rachxx

  2. Ooo love your card. The robin is adorable.
    Another great LO, wish I could do these but sadly I'm lacking. :0)

  3. I love the card you made for Sketch Saturday Debby! The colours are great, the image is super cute and I love the snowflakes! Thanks for joining us this week!!


  4. Hi Debbie these are both fantastic, I wish I had enough confidence to do scrapbooking I would love to have a go, I think you need to join a group to start just to bounce ideas off each other. Thanks for your comments they always cheer me up
    Hugs Jacqui x

  5. Great card, love the papers and colours you have used. Love your colouring.

    Have a nice day...

  6. Your little robin image is th cutest!! Might have to go n have a little look-see there!! The whole card is fab!! bx

  7. Debby this is such a gorgeous card. I'm not suprised you bagged this robin it's sooo cute. Beautiful colour and paper combination. Thanks for joining us this week. Debbie x

  8. Two stunning projects I love the scrapbook page I need to give scrapebooking a go!!! and the card is stunning I love the robin he is so cute. Sue :o)

  9. Excellent work hun the little robin is so cute WTG xxxx

  10. Both are fantastic. Love the colours on the christmas card and that robin is really cute. Love the queen bee on the layout. Michele x

  11. Oh he is so cute Debby and I love the bright greens and reds. I have been admiring all the things you have been cutting with the Storybook cartridge so I have just had to go and buy it, must use it though!! Have a good day

  12. love this card Debby, the papers and colours are beautifully co-ordinated:)


  13. What a fantastic card and LO Debby! I just love that robin and the papers, stunning card! I have an image of you now just sitting there twiddling your fingers waiting for the clock to strike 12 lol!!
    Love Becky xx

  14. oh wow Debby he's adorable - its no wonder why you wanted the cute robin. Love the papers and snowflake - fab work. Thanks for joining us this week at SS :)x

  15. I do love that robin card - and still have to make a card with mine! and what a fabulous layout page, love the bejeweled crown. annie x

  16. Great card and layout, love the chrissie paper (I have this!), and the robin is so cute, no wonder you had to have him, thanks for joining us this week...sleeping bags at the ready...see you in the queue for WOJ lol!!
    lv Gill x

  17. Fantastic Christmas card, Debby; love it & your little robin! Your Queen Bee page is awesome too! Great papers/embellishments!!!
    From your comments on my blog you're about as tired of your wet/dark weather as we here in the deserts SW are of high heat/humidity! We did have more rain than normal during our monsoon, but it's time for cool weather now! Hang in there & when it's hard, just think of Gwen & me in 105+ heat! ;0)

  18. I love your card, Debby!
    The papers and your coloruing are wonderful!
    Hugs Gisela

  19. Debby what a beautiful card, I just love the little robin and the sentiment is great. I love your blog, a mixture of life and craft - brilliant. xx

  20. OMG that card is just gorgeous, love the robin and the bright colours. Gorgeous! Jillix

  21. OH La la...Splendid card!!!
    You have make a card it perfectly.
    I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Great work!!
    There is an award for you on my blog...
    Hugs, my friend

  22. I can see why you had to have that Robin. He is really cute!!!

  23. Gorgeous card Debby, it's amazing how many gadgets you can use, just making one card. Lovely. I sat up till midnight waiting to order my Whiff of Joy stamps, now just got to wait till they arrive. Louise x

  24. The robin is gorgeous! Such a great xmas card x

  25. fantastic card for christmas I love it !!!
    thanks for your participation !!

  26. A gorgeous card and such a cute robin!

  27. ooo that Robin is VERY cute - stop trying to weaken my resolve to not get any! Love your LO and the journalling on it! x

  28. Oooo I love that card! Beautiful!

  29. im loving this most adorable robin stamp!!!! I have never seen one as cute {must put it on my list!!} a beautiful card Debby you made using it and your layout is absolutely fabulous!! :) xx

  30. Just loving that cute robin. i am terribly partial to robins! I really love your card. I like the cut out very much!
    Thanks for joining us this week!
    Hugs Jeanette

  31. always fabulous !

  32. Definitely off to look at the CB's after seeing this card!
    Love your page ~ I do have a weakness for LilyKate!


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