
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Trio Tuesday

It's a Cold and Ice/Blue and White challenge on Tilda & Co and I saw that I had stamped some of Magnolia's Sheep but hadn't used them yet and if you one sheep why not have three. The papers are American crafts and of course my fav embossing folder and nestabilities. The ribbon is from Poppicrafts.

I confess I do have some promarkers and I've pretty much sorted shading thanks to Fran's tutorial but there is a problem, although pencils are hard on my hands and I have to use a therapeutic glove, the promarkers I have a job to get the caps off and it effects my shoulder to a point I have to stop using them. So not sure whether to persist and the caps get easier or give up with them especially has I love my prismscolours and watercolour pencils.


  1. Lovely card. I love the sheep image (may have to go and buy it now!)


  2. Hi,lovely card,great take on the challenge,love it...
    Sandra x

  3. Beautiful card Debby, love the icy colours and the cute little sheep, Hugs, Nikki x

  4. This is a very cute card, Debby :)
    I love the colour choices.
    I know what you mean about the promarkers, I have arthritis in my fingers so I get hubby or kids to pull the tops off the colours I am going to use, then when I have finished colouring I get them to put them on again :) Not sure if doing it this way will dry them out but I love to use them so needs must as they say!
    **Hugs** Heather x

  5. this is fabulous Debby. I love it. hugs rachxx

  6. Love the sheep!! The colours are fab!

  7. Gorgeous card for a new baby, the sheep look fab and your colouring super
    lv Gill x

  8. wow fab card i love it the image is great i love the icy colours.

  9. this is so cute Debby. glad my lil tutorial helped but I didn't think to mention about the pen tops as they are a bit fiddly to pull on and off. Hmmm, how about getting hubby/sis to pull off all the ones you want to use and then lightly putting the lids back on (without it clicking shut)then once you've finished they can click them all shut for you.
    Fran x

  10. This card is fab, I'm glad to see someone has used something other than the people! It's great to see that you've used ProMarkers and the results are so nice, as I've bought some today to try! xxx

  11. Hi Debby,

    great card.
    Love the blue and that cute little sheep.

    xoxo karin

  12. Oh I truly love this. Beautiful colours and I love the way the cutie-pie sheep 'pop' from the page! ~x~

  13. Oh my gosh after browsing through your blog it's obvious what a creative talent you are. Everything is beautiful!

  14. Thank you for vosting my blog, this is a gorgeous card, and you have a lot of other lovely cards her.

  15. Hi great card, love the sheep what a brilliant idea,the layout is fab
    Hugs jacqui x

  16. It's fabulous Debby - just love it! Your colouring is wonderful - I am still toying with getting Promarkers. Like you I love my Prismas, but love colouring with Distress Inks and H2O's just as much so in a dilemma now lol

  17. This is a wonderful card, I love it!!

  18. Hahaha, love the blue sheep! Thanx for sharing.
    xox huldabeib

  19. Fab card, these sheep are so cute. I know what you mean about the lids on the ProMarkers, they are hard to get off, I suppose its to stop the ink drying out

  20. wonderful card ~just love how you have used those cute sheep
    vanessa xx

  21. Such a cute card...I agree with you about the tops of the promarkers...not easy at all.
    Carole ;o)

  22. wo ! I love your card very funny the "mouton" !!!

  23. Love the cards.I know what you mean about the promarkers.I have no trouble with my hands and I have a terrible job getting the lids of.Sometimes the whole nib comes of with the lid and is stuck inside.I have found that if you wiggle the lid from side to side it will eventually pull of.If you know what I mean!!

  24. aww such a cute baby card! I must admit to loving my pencils too, but then I've not got any markers just yet! annie x


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