
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tantalizing Tuesday

Crafting wasn't working yesterday, nothing seem to go right so I just coloured this Sugar Nellie Fisherman from Funky kits with no idea what to do with it but I must have been thinking of Friday sketchers because while colouring I thought about Jane Dean's idea of recycling the onion netting for a beach LO she did couple of years ago. I still have some orange BG and the fish were left over from another card, just needed an embellishment that wasn't a flower thats where the bottle cap came from using one the fish and some glossy accents. Now this cheeky chappie was already coloured was going to use him the other week with the High Hopes Giraffe and Tiger but changed my mind. I used BG papers and Sketch Saturday sketch, not sure if its a bit of a overload of patterned papers but it did help to get crafting again yesterday.


  1. Two great cards Debby, I love what you have done with the sketch and it looks great with the net and little fishes. Also think the patterned papers look great on your Monkey Mike card, Hugs, Nikki x

  2. Loving your monkey card! The patchwork effect works perfectly with him ~x~

  3. Both cards are great , seems like you got your mojo back with a bang! FAB

  4. Two great cards love the net and fish on the first one and the paers are great on the second one. Sue :o)

  5. Two Fab cards Debby I love the mix of DP on the monkey card,
    Hugs Debbie x

  6. *claps* both are great cards! love the net on your first, nice touch ;)
    and the papers and cheeky monkey on your second.
    Thank you for taking part this week
    Jo xx

  7. wow!! what two fantastic cards ~ so detailed and so well thought out!!
    vanessa xx

  8. These are great cards, Debby! Love them both! You are so good at the men's cards that the rest of us mere mortals struggle so hard with!

    Chris xx

  9. oh what a funny and so lovely card, it looks so very pretty. it´s really well done!!!
    thank you for your entry to my sketch at friday sketchers.
    love, bea

  10. These are both fab Debby but the fisherman one is inspired! I'm not in the crafting mood at the mo either, must be in the water! xx

  11. fabulous cards, love the papers you used and fab idea to use the bottle top!

  12. two fabulous cards! I particularly like the fishing one with the onion netting and the little fish in the bottle cap- what a great idea! annie x

  13. Hi Debby!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog :) I like your cards! Such a great stamps and colouring :)

    Hugs Cheryl

  14. love them both, great idea for the netting.

  15. Two stunning cards Debby. I get most of my verses from here, there are some fab verses for every occasion! Hugs Jillix

  16. These cards are fabulous: love the recycling on the fishing card & the cute lil monkey is fab :-)


  17. Fab cards Debby, the monkey is so cute

  18. fabulous cards Debby, love your idea for the fishing net and the monkey image is so cute - love them both :)x

  19. love how you recycled the onion bag- genius and the layout for the monkey one is brillant

  20. Well Debby,I haven't been here in awhile.Don't know why but i'm here now and boy oh boy,Your cards are
    gorgeous!!!! Love your Sara Kay one,it's such a cute image!

  21. These are both great Debby. That little fisherman is awesome.

  22. Two fab cards, love the friday sketchers card...great idea with the netting! Thanks for joining fs challenge again.
    Carole ;o)

  23. Lovely cards. I love what you have done with the net and bottle cap. Very creative. M. Carmen

  24. I LOVE the fishy card with the net- what a great idea!!

  25. Wowzers Debby, these are just amazing!! Love the idea of the fishing net, brilliant!!


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