
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Classic and Fun

Now if I knew the challenge on Spoon full of Sugar was for a male card I would've have saved a footballer. So instead I made this card using magnolia stamps for the background and clouds and Sugar Nellie's fisherman, the sentiment is stamps away. The papers are Dovecraft I think.

Recently on my blogging travels I've been seeing some elegant cards with a classic look, so I thought I would give it a go using the CPS#72 sketch. I'm pleased how it turned out, the sentiment stamp is a docrafts and so it the little heart gem, the card would work for either an engagement or a wedding card.

Now I've never been bothered about being the youngest of five or the fact that the eldest is 15 years older than me but yesterday I became a Great Aunt again which makes me feel ancient and I'm not that old. Anyway I would like to Congratulate my niece Amanda and her partner Kevin on the birth of their son. Now where did I put those baby cards!


  1. Gorgeous card s Debby The fisherman is coloured beautifully, Thanks for playing along this week :)

  2. This is a fabulous card, the layout is super. So well put together. Gail xx

  3. congratulations on becoming a Great Aunt!!
    Two gorgeous cards Debby. Love the fisherman and the classic looking card is gorgeous, simple and elegant.

  4. both lovely but love your boy card more(and the earlier football/karate ones too). Congratulations on becoming a great aunt - looks like I have that to look forward to as well (youngest of 6, 19yr age gap!) x

  5. You're card is awesome. I love the fisherman, and that beautiful big background! Looks great! Thanks for joining our challenge!

  6. 2 fabulous cards ,love the frist one best ,love them ,Dawnx

  7. Too funny, Debbie! I'm the youngest of 5 with the oldest 15 years older than me, too!! :) Maybe we were twins. :) LOL

    Cute cards! I love the fisherman. :)

  8. Fab cards, I love the fisherman, he's so cute

  9. I love hte fisherman and the papers for it. A great card.
    Cathy xx

  10. Fantastic card Debby. You have created such a beautiful scene for the fisherman image...really lovely.

    Debbie x

  11. Wow Debby your cards are FAB i love the fisherman he is coloured so beautifully and the papers you have used to.

  12. Hi Debby, I love the fisherman and love the back ground papers.

  13. Two totally different but totally goegeous cards Debby. They are fabulous!
    Viv xxx

  14. Both cards are just amazing Debby! The green one is so elegant and classy and the fisherman is just fantastic! Love the papers and colours

  15. love your cards and you blog thank heaps look forward to coming back daily now

  16. Love how your clouds pop, great cards. Congrats on being a great aunt!

  17. stunning cards ~ just love those mens papers ~so useful !!
    vanessa xx

  18. Beautiful cards! Gorgeous Magnolia stamps and cards and I really love your clean and elegant take on the CPS sketch this week!

  19. Stunning card Debby. You have created such a beautiful scene, and your colouring is spot on as always. Hugs Nikki x

  20. fantastic cards Debby, just love this fishing boy, he is great, love the scene you created. YOur elegant card is just so beautiful!

  21. OH...Very splendid scene!!
    I love it!!!
    Beautiful colours and details.

  22. fantastic card, love the image and the scene you have created. hugs rach.xx

  23. Your CPS card is so elegant! Great job with this week's sketch!


  24. WoW! Stunning cards! The fisherman's card is just GORGEOUS!!! Perfect in every way!

  25. Stunning card!! Love the scene you made:)
    Hugs, Camilla.

  26. Wow, gorgeous Scene Card, love the coloring as always.....

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