
Monday, April 28, 2008


Life definitely not going according to plan this week, I've lost my large ball tool and if you see my cards in RL you will see that I slightly emboss my Tilda's, I'm lost without it. I now have a tidy craftroom. Hopefully Sis will be able to get me one at the craft shop near her. Luckily this Tilda was already to go, so she got used for the Tilda & Co challenge this week for eyelets and something natural. My natural is a leather strip that I brought orginally for scrapbooking, the leather strip are dyed in various colours and the eyelets are just right for lacing.
Last double LO for MIL book the last two are singles, click to view a larger pic if blogger lets you. I based it on a LO by the Bazzill Queen Lynn.

I've had to get the ez mount stuff out again and I'm armed with some talc see Katharina blog for a pic tutorial and many thanks Lynn for the tip

Oops nearly forgot I've been tagged by Hilmarose 7 Things Game:

The Rules for 7 Things:

1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I haven't forgotten but need to think up 7 interesting things of a basically boring person.


  1. Fab card Debby the papers you have used are gorgeous.

  2. Your card is adorable, love the paper and the weaving. I'm sure you'll have no problem thinking of some interesting things!
    lv Gill x

  3. Wow this is so lovely again. Really precious.

  4. love your Tilda card with the pink leather thong!

  5. oh dear, at least your room is tidy, think I need to loose something too then! Love the card and that layout is great.

    Oh and if I can't stop buying I don't see why you should :p

    good luck with the EZ, round 2!

  6. Beautiful card Debby. Love the colours and the shoe lace effect. Hugs, Nikki x

  7. Another great card. Looks so wonderful. Great colours and papers and I love all the details.
    Hugs, Moni

  8. This is gorgeous. I love the papers.

  9. Great card and layout! Just gorgeous!

  10. sooooo loving this card!

  11. Beautiful card!! I love your chosen colors..

  12. Another great card, top tip, dont tidy your craft room, I can never find anything afterwards either!!(LOL)

  13. Gorgeous work Debbie!! Fabulous. :)


  14. Great card Love the cute stamp

  15. Lovely card, and you have created many beautiful things. I like the colours you have used in your layouts and cards.

  16. Hi debby Hope you found your ball tool, I loose everything when I tidy up, then when I have bought a replacement I find it LOL. Love your card, that leather strap looks great, funny how you always find a use for everything, no matter how long it takes
    Jacqui x

  17. Your Tilda card is beautiful Debby! The colours are gorgeous! xx

  18. your crafting is beautiful, love it all. Love the pink and green together, not to colours I would put together, but I might now lol. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Vicki x

  19. Fab card Debby, love those papers and the leather strip is great I've not seen those before, hope you've found your embossing tool

  20. that card is amazing!! love the leather cord through the card!!
    the layout is fantastic with all those photos!!
    good luck with the list of interesting things!!!
    vanessa xx

  21. Fantastic card and good idea!
    I love it!
    Have a good day!


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