
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Sunny Surrey

On the Papertake weekly Challenge is another marvellous tutorial from Claudia for a gift box. After working out how its made I managed to shrink the measurements to make this little ATC box for my Tilda & friends ATC challenges. I used double sided Scenic Route papers so the inside is pretty too.
As you can see there's plenty of room for some more ATC's
DCM little extra was for a fold on your card now I know I had some patterns for teabag folding but I couldn't find them, so I had to do a search and found this butterfly on Card Inspirations, his body is a Scrap-a-gogo stamp with a bit of bling. Not sure if its worked out as well as I wanted, I usually start with the idea like butterfly and rest builds up from there not sure that happened as well as it should.

What a great award sent to me by Smriti, now I have to choose five blogs.


  1. I love the ATC box, it looks so pretty! What were the measurements you used? I can never work stuff like that out!!

  2. Your work is fab Debby and that box is just fab :)
    Thanks for visiting my blog, I shall go and add you to my buddies list :)

  3. Fantastic box and ATC. What great take on the tutorial.

  4. Awww, how sweet. I love the fact that you've made a smaller box, great papers too.

  5. Fab little ATC box and a great idea

  6. Fabulous box realy beautiful work ,Dawnxx

  7. the ATC box is really lovely debbie, hope you had as much fun making it as we did.


  8. Great Box I might have a go at shrinking the measurements. I think it's a great idea for ATC

  9. LOVE the ATC box!!! What a great idea. I have all of mine in a little 4x6 photo album, but the box is fabulous!!

  10. Great idea Debbie! Gorgeous little box! Thanks for joining us for the challenge! x

  11. Lovely box Debbie, if you pop over to my blog you will see a card I have made with the lovely blog candy you sent me.X

  12. This is Fabulous!!..I love the ATC box!! what a great idea....and the ATC is Gorgeous!!

  13. I think your card worked out just fine Debbie, it's really pretty.

  14. Gorgeous box, beautiful colours

  15. I love your little ATC box, the papers are fab

  16. Oh I love this box. You done a gorgeous job on it dear

  17. What a fab little ATC box, it looks great, love the colours
    lv Gill x

  18. Wow! Your ATC box is gorgeous Debby! so pretty and practical too! xx

  19. wow 2 great projects!! love that butterfly..& I really want try one of those boxes..all I need is time! :)

  20. Your ATC box is utterly gorgeous. Such a brilliant use of colour - love it ~x~

  21. Love your box Debby!! Oh please share the measurements with us!!

  22. thanks for the comment - love your butterfly card! :)

  23. what a fantastic idea for an ATC box, need one of those so might have to 'borrow' that idea! Love the papers you used. x

  24. This is such an adorable box! I love the way you've decorated it.
    xx :0)

  25. wow!! Debby, this is just fabulous!!! great work!! perfection :) x

  26. Love the colours you have used on your ATC box. What a great design. Have a great weekend

  27. Lovely box! I think I'll also try my hands at it!


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