
Saturday, April 05, 2008

Blue skies Saturday.

Cute Card Thursday challenge is Transport, now I do have some vehicles stamps but not sure if they're cute. But while checking out my Favs blogs saw that Fran had used a motorbike that I knew my sister had now while I didn't want to copy Fran it reminded me that my sister also had a VW beetle stamp. On Thursday I was over my sister house with an inkpad and the pattern paper, I already knew I was going to have a floral car, then I remembered I needed some white card and some acetate for the layers, could I find anything, my sister had tidy up her craft room couldn't find anything it took longer to find stuff in her room then it did to stamp the image. Doodlebug papers again and some white punched flowers.
Sorry the white looks Pink blame the photographer, the Friday DCM challenge is for white space you could only use 5cm by 5cm of space on the card and was allowed a sentiment strip. For the card I used A5 piece of card folded in half, I may have cheated slightly with the quickcutz flourishes but the flower is definitely 5cms. Not sure if I like all the white space.

So tomorrow its Scrapbuddies crop and according to weatherman winter is coming back tomorrow so I better wear my thermals.


  1. Both cards are fabulous, Debby, I do like the VW one!

  2. I love both your cards on this post! The DCM one was hard to do..I'm not good at leaving white space but I think it looks great!
    Anice xx

  3. 2 Great cards the vw looks fab in the flowery paper

  4. "I may have cheated slightly " - I should say so!!!! you little monkey!

    Great card and the white space really emphasises that fabby pink.

  5. Debby, that is beautiful! Kim sbs8

  6. Love the flower power car reminds me of the good old days!! Love the papers and the green and pink... it is very cute!! Sue :o)

  7. Gorgeous cards Debby, love your car and it is very cute!

    thank you for joining in the CCT challenge

  8. I just knew Kathy would declare you a cheat! It looks fab anyway and I think the white space lends it a very stylish air - great job!

  9. Lol great retro looking beetle!!
    Your card is fab!

  10. Love that stamp- great hippy chic papers, great cards
    kathy sbs8

  11. Wow Debbie this cards are lovely. So gorgeous work. The car card is my favorit. Love it.

  12. Two gorgeous cards. Love the colours on the car one! X

  13. Funky and great cards! Love them!

  14. Fantastic carad. Love the colour combination and the way you have paper pieced the car to match the backing paper. Nikki x

  15. fabulous cards - I love them both. I love the beetle stamp :-)x

  16. at cards Debby, I love the funky VW great colours and papers.
    Thanks for joining in the CCT challenge

  17. Oh that is so darn cute!!!Love it!!

  18. Woooow what a great card. Looks so fantastic. Love the colours. Love your card :)


  19. love your floral VW, very 70s

  20. These cards are great,love the VW bug

  21. This is gorgeous. Fantastic colours!

  22. Wow these cards are just gorgeous.I love your groovy car:)x

  23. wow love these cards, love the pink and green together looks fab, great work :)

  24. groovy car, paper goes so well with it! (and it wouldn't have been copying, just 'inspired by' !!)

    Your minimilist card is fab too, I find those more difficult too. x

  25. Great card for the CCT!! Great car with all the flowers...

  26. They're both fabulous cards! Love the pinks and greens. :)



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