
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Best Laid Plans

I'll start with Di Hickman sketch April#4 the square flowers are a stamp which I can't find the make but the other flowers and words are HOTP, papers are K&co. Below is a little book for the first class on UKS you put the rub on's on the plastic sleeve but only some of mine are because some rub on's would and others wouldn't. The pics are of J 1st birthday and the cardstock and papers are all scraps.

So I saved yesterday as cyber crop day well that so didn't happen like I wanted, I should of known on Friday night when I couldn't find the classes that things were not going to go my way. Saturday morning my PC was extremely slow, so by the time I had deflagged, cleared out cookies etc run spyware it was like 3 hours later and I have a faster PC but not on the site I wanted! Then the Postie knocked on the door and when I opened the front door, the kitchen door slammed and the door catch stucked and I was stuck in the hall, PC in the dining room and my craft room the otherside of that door. Eventually managed to get it opened at the cost of hurting my hand. And of course when I tried to print pics the ink in the printer had run out not a problem made sure I had a new cartridge but its nearly all gone because I had to clean the printer heads to get rid of the streaks. Even my new Tilda's and Sugar Nellies couldn't cheer me up but Marlene has a card class on UKS today I'm sure that will. I'm also a bit behind on my blog hopping but as Arnie says I'll be back.


  1. Hi there, was just hopping about some of my crafty buddies' blogs and found yours. LOVE your work, really fresh and pretty. I'll be back again soon! x

  2. Brilliant work, hope your day was better today.

  3. Oh dear Debby never mind another day tomorrow both projects are great in spite of you bad day. Sue :o)

  4. card= so pretty
    pages= so cute

  5. Lovely card and booklet!

  6. Hope it's a better day tomorrow (or should that be today seeing as it's 12.08am?!)

  7. Lovely card,great color of dp!!
    And your lo are so beautiful!! TFS!

  8. great projects, love your card using the sketch! TFS!


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