
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A couple of challenges

Nicola at Paperworld every couple of weeks puts a new sketch challenge on her blog and finally I have done mine, using the bit of imaginesce card left.

So on Sunday found out the Tilda & Co challenge is hidden secrets and this pop up slider came to mind, all I need was the instructions so after a bit of a search found it here and while at Sis did a practice run so that yesterday I used proper cardstock and one of my new Tilda's. I've no idea what the card stock is called but its been in my stash for a long time. And while I was catching up with the blogs and challenges found that Andrea had the same idea, they say great minds think alike. edited- check out Frans too.
The saga of the washing machine which after searching for the receipt is still in warranty but because I'm out on Thursday it won't be till after Easter. Lucky for me DH is working with BIL again and I'm back staying with Sis, so the washing will be coming too. The reason DH and BIL work weekends and evening, they polish sports halls and clean poolside area at leisure centres and schools so they have to be available when the centres are closed.


  1. 2 fab cards, I love the blue and yellow with that Edwin stamp and the slider card is fab, they are such fun to make.

  2. The yellow, pink, and brown card is adorable, and I love the slider effect. Hmmm...sounds like a future project. :)

  3. Gorgeous cards! I love the pink Tilda sliding one x

  4. The tilda card is so nice, i like it a lot! Thanks for stopping by my blog :-)

  5. Fabulous cards - love the pop up slider card!

  6. wow!! your blog is stunning - such talent!! love all your cards!!(need to add you to my blog -so i can pop back)
    thanks for popping onto mine and leaving comments
    vanessa xx

  7. oh did you get my comment?? it all went pear shaped??!!(sodon`t ad this one if you got the other one!!-gosh complete madnesss!!LOL
    just said how fab your work was -thats all!!LOL
    vanessa xx
    see if this saves

  8. love the way you have so carefully colour matched your magnolia's with the papers, great use of the skecth too!

  9. Two fabulous cards, my fave has to be the edwin one......

  10. Your cards are just gorgeous, love Edwin. The colours you have chosen for Tilda are just fab.

  11. beautiful reations:)x

  12. They are both gorgeous Debby!
    LOVE the colours of your edwin one, and your new Tilda is adorable!
    Thanks so much for joining in!
    Nicola xx

  13. these are adorable, love how your card opens.

  14. great cards I love Nicolas sketch card and the slider effect is great
    Gina x

  15. Hi again...I love both these cards - shy edwin is adorable! bx

  16. what great cards.
    i love especially the pink one!!!

  17. Great cards both of them! mmm I passed the paris Tilda by but looking at your card I wish I hadn't now!!

  18. Both cards are fab, I especially like the hidden message one.

  19. Aren't Nicola's sketches good? Your card looks so cute!

  20. Faboulous cards. Love the pop up card


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