
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Blog Candy and Di Hickman Challenge

When I saw the Di Hickman sketch, I had some idea what I wanted to do, I wanted a large image to use as the strips so that you could still see the whole picture. The only paper I could find is this K&Co paper that I've been hoarding for ages, then I didn't want to put too much on it to spoil the paper so an idea was formed to use acetate, the word stamp is autumn leaves, ribbon to hold it place, also a spot of glue under the butterfly that was cut out of a scrap of the same paper.
Sis didn't have to look after J yesterday so she rang and said she would pick me up at 10am and that she left a message for Nikki to be at my place if she wanted to come too, at this point we hadn't decided where to go. Eventually I decided to take Sis to somewhere where she hadn't been so off to Craft U love at Charlwood near Gatwick actually its about 40 minutes from Guildford. They were so friendly made us a tea or coffee, let us use the loo very important, they have a huge display of die cutting, quickcutz, cuttlebug and the cricut, loads of other stuff too good job I remembered my pin number for the CC. I then convinced Sis that the Glitter Pot was only half an hour away, only slightly lied it was another 40 minutes, well poor Nikki and she really is poor now was amazed how many stamps they had. Oh by the way as soon as they get an online order they're out in the shop collecting those stamps before anyone else buys them. Now on the way out I told Sis that The Craft barn was only another 40 minutes away was stunned when she OK bearing in mind we didn't have a map and I only a RAC route for the first two craft shops which by the way was rubbish I'm surprised we only got lost once. The Craft Barn has had a bit of facelift, freshly painted, sofa for those men in your life that begrudgingly takes you craft shopping, it felt light and airy and had amazing selection of scrapbook papers and although not so many stamps still lots of various manufactures. OK now I'm poor too.
Finally has a way of a Thank You for visiting my blog some Blog Candy, there's Sugared Basic Grey 6 inch pad, a new Tilda stamp, the image to show which stamp is stamped with my stamp, you don't think I'll give one of mine away, some ribbon and some flowers out my stash. Now all you need to do it comment on this post and everyone will go in the draw.


  1. Hi Debby, I would have loved to have joined you and your sister on your craft shopping expedition!! I hope you seriously treated yourselves, after all 'We're worth it!! :) :)
    Mmmm, fab blog candy!

    Carol x

  2. oh wow, what a lovely blog candy you are giving away. i certainly hope to win :).

  3. What a beautiful card! I can't believe you've been hoarding that pretty paper :) Oh wow, neat blog candy, count me in! I know with my blog candy I did get number 1 once so I am high hopes LOL

  4. Gorgeous card, love the soft colours. Sounds like you had a fun day! Great blog candy too!

  5. Your card is so pretty. Count me in on this sweet candy. I would love to have FUN creating something with this sweet stuff. Glad you had fun shopping yesterday. Thanks for a chance.

  6. What a beautiful card, love this paper

  7. Gorgeous card! Great candy too! Thanks! ~chris

  8. Beautiful card - I have been saving this paper for ages too, as I thought it was too lovely to cut up and use. Great blog candy, hope I'm lucky!
    Maria x

  9. What a wonderful day, wish I could have joined you but I'm over in the US.

  10. I love your cards and I sure like this package! Thanks for being so generous with your ideas and this candy!

  11. oh, I loved the idea of a store that think of all the poor men that take their girlfriend/wife to craft shopping! :)

  12. What a fun day you and your sis had! Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy!


  13. I love the card. I also have paper that I hoard and have to force myself to use it.
    Linda Peterson

  14. Great paper. I have paper at home and I see it is on sale again this weekend. Ugh. Thanks for sharing the blog candy.

  15. What a beautiful card!!! Great blog candy too!!!

    Anita Van Hal

  16. Wow what a day all those fab shops. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy xx

  17. That is one fabulous card! I would have hoarded that paper myself, had it been in my possession!! (LOL)

    Fabulous candy too!

  18. I wish I had been with you on your travels, but we I did manage to spend at the Modscraps Crop on your behalf. There were loads of lovely scrumptious things there, hope you can come along next month, wil be great to see you again.

    PS I am bringing cake to the crop next month :)

  19. Terrific gives me an idea for some flowery DP I have!

  20. Glad you had fun shopping. What great blog candy - thanks for offering it, Debby!

  21. hi

    the card is gorgeous , the candy too
    glad that you had a nice shopping trip , that's my kind of day ,craft shpping don't mind the traveling at all :)

  22. How exciting!! You have a wonderful blog, and your cards are so lovely. So nice of you to give away blogcandy just for leaving a comment. Hope I'm the lucky one;)

  23. Love your card! What a FUN shopping excursion!
    Thanks for this chance to win sweet candy! (I'd LOVE a Tilda stamp!! Pick ME!)
    ~Brenda H.

  24. awesome candy, love the colors in your card, very very pretty!

  25. Wow! Debby! That sounds like quite an adventure!
    Your card is beautiful! such a great idea!
    Nicola xx

  26. Your card is stunning!!! Looks like you had some great shopping!
    Thanks for the chance at your awesome candy!!

  27. What a fab shopping trip! and fab blog candy too!

  28. Beautiful card, the K & Co papers are absolutely gorgeous and I love the acetate overlay.

    Sounds like you had a fab craft shopping day

  29. Wonderful blog candy!! I'd love to win a Tilda!! :) TFS!!

  30. Your card is beautiful - really very pretty!! Thanks for the chance to win this great blog candy!

    Kerry Morgan

  31. Love the patterned paper! You really have a lot of energy to go to so many craft stores!

  32. Sounds like such a fun shopping spree! I really enjoy your blog and the cards you make. Thank you for offering such fun blog candy too:)

  33. Lovely card and LOVE the candy!

  34. What fun goodies you are giving away! The card is fantastic too!

  35. Wow! What great candy. Thanks for offering such yummy treats.

  36. Hi Debby, just a few craft shops then! Miss seeing you and your sis now i'm not at the craft shop - fancy taking up jewellery making instead!!!! Loving your blog hun, take care. Karynxx

  37. very SWEET candy! Love the pinks.
    thank you for a chance to win!

  38. Wow what a great day!! Can't wait till we come back to UK for all those crafting shops.
    Your card is fab very elegant.

  39. Wow sounds like a fantastic day all those yummy craft shops. We have so few up here and they aren't very well stocked either, thank goodness for the internet!! Your card is so pretty, the papers are gorgeous and you have shown them off to their best with this sketch.

  40. Lovely card Debby!!

    That blog candy is great! Love the paper pad and the Tilda! And the other things as well!!
    Hope I'm winning!! :)

    ~ Leonie ~

  41. What a day you had!!!

    Love this card ~ I'm REALLY struggling with this sketch for some reason!

  42. The card you´ve made i sooo very beautiful! I just love the paper!
    I´m often here at your blogg looking at your always such lovely cards.
    Have a nice day

  43. Ooooh thanks so much for the chance to win this fabby candy Debbie! I NEED that paper pad! LOL Lynn x

  44. My kinda shoppin trip!!! (inc getting lost,lol!!!)Love the card,very pretty.Fab candy too!!! :o)x

  45. Wow what a fantastic blog Debby.I'll definately be back to visit you now Ive found you!!!
    many thanks for the offer of the blog candy

  46. your card is so sweet and I love your blog candy too !! Hope that you don't mind to send to Malaysia:-)

  47. Oh Debbie, first I wanna thank you for this generous blog candy - what a fun to participate... And your card is such a brilliant one - looks like a triptych-picture, love this elegant and stylish arrangement... Yours, Heike xox

  48. Wow Debby to (1) your card is absolutely beautiful, (2) I'm so jealous of your shopping trip...wish I had that many craft shops near to me, and, (3) blog candy looks gorgeous and couldn't possibly pass up the chance of taking part!!!

  49. Lovely Card, the paper is lovely. I also like to Save my papers.

  50. Wow .. lovely blog candy!

    Thank you for all the wonderful comments on my blog and well wishes for my mil. Sadly, her condition is permanent .. so now it's a matter of time to see the amount of mobility she'll have .. they believe that there was "damage" not just swelling of the chord in her knee .. during surgery. The knee is working fine .. just not her foot.

    ((( hugs )))

    nancy xo

  51. Hi D, wow what fabulous candy you're offering! I'm "buyin" a chance to win!!!!!! ha ha Love your card - I have some lovely papers that this "window" technique would be perfect for! bx

  52. Wow great card and lovely candy. Sounds like you had a great day I am very jealous!!! Sue :o)

  53. Ooooh another FAB blog to add to my list of favourites. I love that card will definately need to check out that sketch.

    Great blog candy thanks for the opportunity.

    Sounds like you had a blast, craft shopping beats all other shopping hands down IMHO!

    Lisa x

  54. beautiful card, great candy but most of all sooooooooo jealous of your shopping trip. T'internet is great but nothing beats seeing it all up close & personal!! (Your ETA's sound like mine to DH when I'm co-piloting, off by about 10mins LOL) xx

  55. Lovely card! I could think many ways to use it. And what a blog candy!

  56. Fab Card you sound as if you had a really great day.

  57. What a fantastic shopping trip, I'm hoping to get to the glitterpot one day, thank you for the chance of candy :)

  58. Your card is beautiful !!! Thanks so much for sharing it. Isn't the craft shopping so much fun lol

  59. Pretty card!! Wonderful candy too. :D

  60. Ooooh look at all those yummies, they are beautiful

    I love your card xx


  61. Such a beautiful card, gorgeous paper too. What a lovely idea the bog candy draw is! I am keeping my fingers tightly crossed lol!
    Janet X

  62. I love your card! Thank you for offering such sweet blog candy!

  63. Hi again, Debby,

    Who can resist a chance to win BG???!!! Sounds like you & your sis had quite a fun adventure!

    Marge SBS8

  64. Lovely card so pretty.
    Scrummy blog candy to, keeping my fingers crossed ;0)


  65. Hi Debby, I really love the card you did for the ISMAKI challenge. It's so cute. I love the stamps you've used and of course I love BG! So would love a chance to win some blog candy. Thanks for the give away!

  66. wow I bet you and your sis had a great time...I would of:)x

  67. What a lovely card! I especially admire the way you've used the ribbon to attach the acetate. I never would have thought of that!
    I also loved reading about your jaunt round all the not-so local craft outlets! Fabulous. I'm SO jealous! :)
    Viv xxx

  68. You make some beautiful things with the Magnolia stamps!

  69. Lovely candy! I ordered some Tilda's but lucky me, I didn't order this one. I wish I win.I wish I win.I wish I win.

  70. fabulous card ! sounds like your shopping trip was my kind of trip lol ! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment !

  71. love the tripes on your card... good idea
    little angel

  72. What a great blog candy! Love your cards!

  73. Sounds like a fabby day out, the blog candy looks great, please count me in. p.s thanks for the lovely comments you've left on my blog x
    Gill x

  74. Wonderful candy, and a fab blog.

  75. The paper on your card is great!! And no you couldn't give your magnolia away!!

  76. Thanks so much for commenting on my blog, and what a fabulous way to use these papers and embellishments in your card!! It's very pretty.

  77. Lovely card, great idea for the transparency stamping! TFS!

  78. WOW! What a great blog candy, thanks for the chance to win.

  79. Well done Janet (pink gem) you are the winner of the candy.


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