
Friday, February 22, 2008

Tilda and String!

So this weeks challenge on Tilda & Co is to use string, so I asked OH for some string. Nope he hasn't got any and the only bit of string I've got and was staring at me all week is a bit string that runs from two hooks that hold my kitchen roll in my craft room, I'm such a messy crafter the kitchen roll is an essential piece of equipment. Finally found a rough piece of string but what do I do with it now. There on my desk was a rub on lolly stick so using the cropadile made a swing probably not very orginal but the best I could do. I've used DCWV papers and some flowers from my stash. Notice the plain blue card with embossed spots, thats because my new embossing folders have arrived.


  1. How clever are you! The swing is a fab idea and the card is gorgeous!

  2. What a fab idea making the swing. Beaufiful card Sue :o)

  3. I love your card!!! what a lovely idea, making that cute swing for Tilda!!! very very creative!! :) x

  4. Fab card Debby, love the colours and those papers are gorgeous. Tilda looks so cute on her swing

  5. This is really clever! I absolutely love it. What lovely fresh colours. Lol Lynn x

  6. A terrific idea Debby!! I love the colours and the layout. Fabolous work!

  7. What a great idea I love the wing and the colours xx

  8. Oh what a cute Idea!! love the swing! you are so creative.

  9. I think the swing's an adorable idea - very cute card!

  10. Brilliant card great layout and colours ,Dawnx

  11. Very creative Debby! The swing looks great!
    Have a fab weekend!
    Nicola xx

  12. This is so fab ~ I love it!

  13. LOL that's so clever, thought you were going to say you hacked into the bit of string holding your kitchen roll :D

    glad to see your folders arrived!
    Frances x

  14. What a creative idea of using the swing!! These Tilda stamps are so cute.

  15. Very pretty and how I love how you made that swing!

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