
Saturday, February 09, 2008

Oh no it's a sketch.

They call it a template, I call it a sketch and we all know I can't resist a sketch, no will power you know. So this is my card for DCM challenge, daisy bucket papers, nestabilities and simply friends stamps that is one of my favs. So once again no scrapbooking. I've been a bit behind on some on of the blogs I check out so I've caught up with them and blow me some have links to more blogs with sketches. I feel like a star trek episode with the borg "Resistance is Futile," but resist I have although Nicola at PaperWorld sketch #4 is out. But you didn't hear it from me LOL.

At Scrapbuddies at Mychett Community Centre if you passing and what to see what its like pop in we don't bite. At least there I might Scrapbook.


  1. Gorgeous card; I love it!!!

    In case you missed the info about our SBS8 Yahoo group and SBS8 challenge, email Anita @ as she's trying to be sure everyone knows & joins in!

    Marge SBS8

  2. Fabulous card Debby, I love the flower stamp

  3. Wow wow wow what a brilliant creation. Absolutely stunning. Love this.

  4. I like your cart, it's so delicate.
    And I love sketches too :)

  5. another fabulous card Debbby!! love it!! :) x

  6. What a very pretty card! Love your links to sketches. Kim sbs8

  7. Hi D, Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog - i love the fresh spring colours of this card. bx

  8. Hi D, Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog - i love the fresh spring colours of this card. bx

  9. I can't resist a sketch either. i really love your interpretation. Gorgeous.

  10. Very pretty card, lovely colours, and I really like those stamped and glittered flowers!

  11. I love a great sketch, too. Very cute card.

  12. Wow Debby your cards are beautiful, thanks for stopping by at my blog and leaving a comment.

    Andrea xx

  13. I love what you did with this sketch, yummy colours and great flowers!

  14. great card debby.

    Know what you mean re. all the challenges, soo many out there plus but don't forget to sign up to the sbs8 yahoo group, think 1/2 of us have joined so far. You should have got email off anita or else just go here

  15. Fantastic card, love the colour combo :~)

  16. Gorgeous card, love the papers and the flowers are so beautiful :-)

  17. Oh, Debby, this is lovely! Perfect in every way!

  18. Beautiful card, love these colours and the flower is gorgeous, great little sentiment tags too!

  19. Gorgeous colours you've used, and the flower is just fabulous.

  20. Debby - love the card and colours - real spring-like.


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