
Friday, February 08, 2008

Ismaki Challenge

This challenge gave me the excuse to use these stamps I brought from Butterfly Kisses stall at the make it show. It was a really naughty stall with loads of PB stamps and their own designs and you couldn't help but stop by and buy something although many of the stamps were sold out by Saturday. I forget to stamp on turq card to do the option 2 of the challenge but I love how the card is made with just stamping and white and brown cardstock.
I'll being really good and going through all my 12 by 12 paper, some of it I wondered what on earth was I thinking buying that and some I brought for cardmaking but it's got all muddle together so I've decide to try and keep it apart from the scrapbooking stuff. I also have been collecting pizza boxes of kits, so I'm dismantling them and having a good look at them to see if I would actually use the papers.
My poor Sis is under the weather hope she feels better soon especially as we are off out on Saturday at Wings in Farnborough to celebrate Chinese New Year, if its has good as the New Year celebrations they put on we're in for a great night.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. vraiment très classe, quel beau travail sur la voiture
    bravo !!!

  3. Great work and wonderful card

  4. super la voiture en relief ! c'est beau !

  5. Oh! Superbe travail de tampons!!!!
    J'aime beaucoup!

  6. Great card, thats a fab stamp

  7. Oo, great card Debby, love those stamps!

    Fran x

    p.s you've won my blog candy :)
    So email me (via my blog) with your address!

  8. absolutely beautiful Debby!!!! :) x

  9. Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh stunning. Wonderful piece.

  10. Wahouuuu It's wonderfull 3D card !!!

  11. Wowza.. that is stunning!! really love it!

  12. Just stumbled accross your blog and wanted to say, your cards and your scrapbook pages are wonderful!

  13. Oh that is wonderful! I love how you made the car dimensional!!

  14. This is a great card! Great for the men on your list.

  15. Oooooh, this is a bit gorgeous!
    Really came to say congrats on your blog candy win ~ whoo-hoo!!!

  16. ohh this is just great I love this single colour stamping it is fab Sue :o)

  17. stamps are really beautifull Great card!

  18. great card and beautiful stamps!
    thanbks for playing
    ISMAKI (Isa, Mag & Kianel)

  19. ok I just love love love this!!! I think I NEED that stamp!


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