
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wet Wednesday

First of all I apologize for the pants photo, the light here is really bad and if I use the flash its looks a lot worse.
There's a card challenge on UKS using Doodlebug stash, handy that cos I've brought some just to make cards with, the pinwheel shape is a craftwork template.
The weekly challenge on UKS is to use Allied colours, b/w or sepia photo, something metal and hidden journalling.
All present and correct on the Grandma LO, the hidden journalling is one of the tags along side the photo.
I've lost a photocopy of something really important I believe it to be in a safe place, I've found other misplaced stuff ( I knew they were in a safe place) but not what I'm looking for.
Well I'm all ready to go to Middx should be fun but we decided only to take tools and buy stuff up there well I still want my brads to go and maybe my eyelets, then there's my ribbons and I might need a template or two and what if I want to do some stamping. Can I cope with leaving all my lovely stash behind guess I'll have too.


  1. Loving that top card, so bright and fucky! x

  2. Howdy! I just want to give a huge thumbs up for the good information you have got here on this post. I will be coming back to your blog for more soon.


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