
Monday, June 18, 2007

Dull, Dark and Raining

Finished a LO for Terries Blog but the weather is pants and I'll rather photo without the flash (I think I maybe repeating myself sorry) Went to Mychett crop the girls didn't realise it was Father's Day when they booked the dates so altogether there was five of us but the hall was paid for so we were able to spread ourselves out. I planned to do a Disney LO but forgot the paper that I brought specially so started a LO for Chelsea but I shuffled papers for ages before I finally decided what I wanted to do. I think the prob is my neck was playing up yesterday and today all my affected joints seem to be aching not sure why has I haven't done anything I shouldn't have. Everything is bit too much effort today and I can't hide out on UKS because it down while they move servers. Anyway tomorrow is another day.

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