Here's some pages I've done in a 6 by 12 format then used a book ring to connect them. I used Shimelle's idea on the Fiskars website thingy, real pleased how they have turned out. Some of the pics I can't show cos I'm saving that for the BOB not that I have a chance and if I don't get my finger out won't have completed the 6 LO's that I vaguely want to do.
Had a lovely weekend with my Sis and my nephew looking at flats and houses some were nice and some were UGH. Finishing off the weekend was a lovely roast beef sunday lunch made by my sister's fair hand and seeing my Great Nephew who is such a little character already.
At last my DS is now a home owner and he collects the keys after work, just imagine less washing, no ironing awful shirts no mess BLISS
Hi my friend! I want to say that this article is awesome, nice written and include almost all important infos. Id like to see more posts like this.